sm-ll /

2 stars 0 forks source link in it's full glory? #3

Open jeremy303 opened 5 years ago

jeremy303 commented 5 years ago

Hi Martin,

I'm afraid I'm a little late discovering your most excellent blog. Thanks for taking the time to archive all of the content here. Any chance will be coming back online? Unfortunately, it looks like we lose the mp3 and image uploads in the GitHub wiki version.

The Wayback Machine's cache of your site ( does appear to have your MP3s, so I guess that's probably the best way to access your old blog content pending a return of

I'm about to begin my exploration of the Nord Modular G1, so I'm really looking forward to diving into your patches and posts!


sm-ll commented 4 years ago

Hey @HolySamosa

Totally missed this message, which is crazy as live in Github for work.

The pictures did get replaced with blue boxes that covered them, having said that I need to remove the dead images from the wiki as generally, they don't offer much more or are referred to.

The mp3's do exist though but as tracks on Bandcamp. It's linked in the home page of the wiki but perhaps you missed it.

Happy to chat about the patches if I can remember anything. I need to dig back into the G1 myself, amazing machine.

Thanks for reaching out, and sorry I took a while to reply.