sm00th / bitlbee-discord

Bitlbee plugin for Discord (
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Big user lists cause time-out on login #47

Open Kays opened 8 years ago

Kays commented 8 years ago

I don't know if the service is down or what is going on, but I cannot connect to discord at all lately (at least with mfa). I even tried removing the token from the config xml file and retry, but every time I enter in my 2FA token in discord_mfa, the lag starts and just goes up until the point it just lags itself out and bitlbee restarts. Like it will start at 1 and just keeps counting upward. I verified with my twitter account that if I don't enter in 2FA token, no lag at all. But the second I enter it, bitlbee won't work and requires a restart. This also means my other connections on bitlbee won't work during this constant lag fest.

dequis commented 8 years ago

Are you using the latest revision? 7fdfd182218cea5ac9cfdb8f9f1e6ef6ce3d5083 fixes something possibly relevant. If you're not sure, build the latest.

Kays commented 8 years ago

I updated it but the bug still remains. The second I enter in the MFA token, it just lags out. I even timed it so the token just generated via Google Auth so it shouldn't be timed out.

Edit: the worst part is that as long as the token is in the config and the account is on, I cannot use bitlbee at all because the second it tries to do something with mfa, it lags and will not respond to commands in &bitlbee. I have to take out that line in the config so I can use my other accounts and just ignore discord for now.

dequis commented 8 years ago

You could try attaching gdb to it. Find the pid of the child process with "ps aux | grep bitlbee" (there should at least two, pick the most recent one), attach to it with "gdb -p 1234" replacing 1234 with that pid, type "bt" to get a backtrace and "c" to continue. Post results.

If you're not sure you got the right pid, try attaching it before this bug happens - that should freeze it in a similar way, and won't respond the commands. Then use "c" to continue and unfreeze it, and when the bug is happening press ctrl-c in gdb and type "bt".

erockce commented 8 years ago

I haven't used the plugin in a while. The last time I logged in with the plugin (and MFA enabled), It lagged for me. Although it seemed be the result of joining all the channels associated with just 3 servers. Perhaps a future feature enhancement would be to not attempt joining a channel if it is muted.

sm00th commented 8 years ago

It is most likely not channels, but users. I've tried joining reddit's unofficial discord api server and it has a lot of users and that timed out as well. Back then I found out that imcb_add_buddy takes too much time on big lists, so this should be fixed in bitlbee first.

dequis commented 8 years ago

Oh, huh, I've never actually seen that hit in real servers, only in buggy conditions when plugins added tens of thousands of repeated contacts in a loop. Too many linked lists, not enough hash tables. I'll have a look.

dequis commented 7 years ago

I'll have a look.


Sorry for the delay.


sm00th commented 7 years ago

That pretty much confirms the previous "not enough hashtables" statement, doesn't it?

dequis commented 6 years ago

Ok here's some stuff:

dequis commented 6 years ago

Everything is now merged to the master branch of the bitlbee repo.

erockce commented 6 years ago

Just rebuilt latest from master, tested with MFA, and successfully echoed messages back and forth between Discord Linux client and bitlbee-discord. Nice job!