sm00th / bitlbee-discord

Bitlbee plugin for Discord (
GNU General Public License v2.0
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chat list index out of order #70

Closed parkerlreed closed 7 years ago

parkerlreed commented 7 years ago

For example mine starts out with

<root> Index  Title                   Topic
<root>     1  developers              /r/googlehome/developers
<root>     2  mods                    /r/googlehome/mods
<root>     3  homeautomation          /r/googlehome/homeautomation
<root>     4  general                 The official chat room of Please connect to your Reddit account if possible.
<root>     5  mods                    steamlink/mods
<root>     6  support                 steamlink/support
<root>     7  general                 steamlink/general

But when I type chat add discord !7 #steamlink it maps to what is assigned to index 4 for some reason.

bitlbee 3.5.1-1 bitlbee-discord-git 146.3338ea7-1

parkerlreed commented 7 years ago

Even after the order shifts (joined the bitlbee-discord server) it still joins the one three before it (same channel as before)

<root> Index  Title                     Topic
<root>     1  the_one_you_shouldnt_see  But you do anyway because permissions do not work yet
<root>     2  testdump                  /ignore -channels #testdump *
<root>     3  beecord                   What else doesn't work yet?
<root>     4  developers                /r/googlehome/developers
<root>     5  mods                      /r/googlehome/mods
<root>     6  homeautomation            /r/googlehome/homeautomation
<root>     7  general                   The official chat room of Please connect to your Reddit account if possible.
<root>     8  mods                      steamlink/mods
<root>     9  support                   steamlink/support
<root>    10  general                   steamlink/general
sm00th commented 7 years ago

This is a duplicate of #51. The workaround is to set server_prefix_len to non-zero.

parkerlreed commented 7 years ago

Ahh thanks! Want me to close this out or leave it open?

sm00th commented 7 years ago

I'll close it