sm0svx / svxlink

Advanced repeater system software with EchoLink support for Linux including a GUI, Qtel - the Qt EchoLink client
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Streaming with Darkice - Failure under Alsa in SVXReflector #277

Closed f5vmr closed 7 years ago

f5vmr commented 7 years ago

Sun May 21 18:24:28 2017: *** ERROR: The sample rate could not be set to 48000Hz for ALSA device "hw:Loopback,0,2". The closest rate returned by the driver was 22050Hz.

I have been trying to reconfigure the latest SVXLink (from the svxreflector master) with the stream to Darkice, based exactly upon the pages within this repository. Under the previous version (without svxreflector) it was working perfectly, but following an SDCard crash I have had to rebuild the repeater logic completely. Everything is working as regards Icecast2, and Darkice-1.2 (configured with Alsa and Lame), and all the settings, but svxlink reports the above error. I have tried to set the rate in darkice.cfg and asound.conf to 22050, but the result is the same. In [Global] the rate is normally set at RATE = 48000.

The error is reported each time that TxStream is activated, and only the TxStream, the other functions are unperturbed.

f5vmr commented 7 years ago

So after careful perusal of the problem from all angles, I concluded that it was the compilation of Darkice that was the problem. Electing to stay with version Darkice-1.2 I eventually I decided on a recompile and solved the issue. When compiling Darkice, the first ./configure must be done as follows. sudo ./configure --with-lame-prefix=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ --with-pulseaudio-prefix=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ This enables the proper conversion between the plug_Loopback_1_2 of darkice and the hw:Loopback,0,2 in the [TxStream]. Sorted and Closed.