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Add to svxreflector COMMAND_PTY to enable or disable stream from connected node #623

Open sp2ong opened 1 year ago

sp2ong commented 1 year ago

Tobias SM0SVX would be a very useful thing to add to the svxreflector COMMAND_PTY in [GLOBAL] where submitting the command

ENABLE node_name DISABLE node_name

via COMMAND_PTY we can temporarily lock a node or remove the lock


echo "DISABLE SP2ABC > /path/to/pty"

to add to the list of timed input and output stream blocking. Adding such a node to the DISBALE list would be independent of whether the node is logged in or not. Such node can log in with its account to svxreflector, but the stream to and from it is blocked. This would allow, in a situation when we have a large number of nodes connected to converters and personal hotspots, when a node causes problems with interference etc, to block it temporarily.

It would also be useful to have JSON status information from svxreflector about the status of the node "status": "enabled" "status": "disabled"

This would allow you to visualize the status as an icon or color of the node.

Currently, in a situation when there is a temporary problem with the node and we don't have a quick contact with the node maintainer, we are left with the option of temporarily changing the password in svxreflectro.conf and restarting svxreflector, which is not an optimal solution if we have a lot of activity on svxreflector.

Also adding the proposal of Adi DL1HRC and Jens DJ1JAY would be useful:

You could use this control via COMMAND_PTY and CTRL_PTY to control via MQTT and Node-red dashboard scripts.

73 Waldek

sp2ong commented 1 year ago

Maybe it is better to use

ENABLE node_name DISABLE node_name MUTE node_name

where DISABLE block input/output stream from node (or disable login) MUTE only mute the incoming stream from node but the outgoing stream from svxreflector will pass to node