smad2005 / PoeHud

An application to display data read from application memory (without writing to it) ^.^
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Qol #8

Closed smad2005 closed 9 years ago

smad2005 commented 9 years ago

how about adding the visual colors and new this : 344f3964-3cf7-11e5-9c6e-f48c9d5ecaca 30023776-3cf7-11e5-98a1-6fe5ae30a802 2950762584-example

Most of the changes are for design purpose, but some of them are useful, like adding colors for drops to match the itemfilter, or colors for preloads when farming a specific mod.

What's new:

  public static readonly Color MapsColor = new ColorBGRA(222, 184, 135, 0xFF);

        public static readonly Color RGBColor = new ColorBGRA(220, 20, 60, 0xFF);

        public static readonly Color LinkedColor = new ColorBGRA(30, 144, 255, 0xFF);

        public static readonly Color SocketsColor = new ColorBGRA(74, 230, 58, 0xFF);

        public static readonly Color CraftingColor = new ColorBGRA(0, 255, 255, 0xFF);

I think need to move those values to config.json and edit them via menu. (Ps: for now i'm not planning/willing to write itemfilter parser)

colors for curencies : (border color, font color, border width)

if (_name.Contains("Chaos Orb") ||
                    _name.Contains("Blessed Orb") ||
                    _name.Contains("Regal Orb") ||
                    _name.Contains("Vaal Orb") ||
                    _name.Contains("Gemcutter's Prism") ||
                    _name.Contains("Orb of Regret") ||
                    _name.Contains("Orb of Alchemy") ||

Jewels rarity

                switch (rarity)
                    case ItemRarity.Rare:
                        frameWidth = 1;
                        frameColor = settings.FrameJewelsColor;
                        fontColor = HudSkin.RareColor;
                        return true;
                    case ItemRarity.Unique:
                        frameWidth = 1;
                        frameColor = HudSkin.UniqueColor;
                        fontColor = HudSkin.UniqueColor;
                        return true;
 Color color = node.Value ? settings.EnabledBoxColor : settings.DisabledBoxColor;

corrupted.Add("Corrupted Area                 .");
# Task Url Planned
1 Preload alerts with diff colours #9 yes
2 Monster alerts (by mode, by name) with diff colours #11 yes
3 Shift the xpBar/clock left/below of meters #10 yes
4 Allow commenting ("#") in currency.txt #13 yes
5 Setting for menu (font size, button size, etc) no
6 Colours for itemAlert from itemfilter yes
smad2005 commented 9 years ago
   public int ReadInt(int addr, params int[] _offsets)
            int num = ReadInt(addr);
            return _offsets.Aggregate(num, (current, num2) => ReadInt(current + num2));

 private bool CompareData(Pattern pattern, byte[] data, int offset)
            return !pattern.Bytes.Where((t, i) => pattern.Mask[i] == 'x' && t != data[offset + i]).Any();

 private static bool HasDebuff(IReadOnlyDictionary
 if (!settings.ShowHealthText || life.MaxES == 0) // need go deeper in HealthbarPlugin
ghost commented 9 years ago

What about this, hard coded masters/strongboxes color, instead of people having to work with hex values :)... what do you think ? masters_cr

smad2005 commented 9 years ago

For now i'm fighting with droplevel, width, height, class, without these offsets i can't finish №6.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Well, i'm bored...:). I am trying to use textures and colors from the game to make a new look for the hud :)


Still work in progress ....

smad2005 commented 9 years ago


ghost commented 9 years ago

New look almost done, try this if you have time...: I have few problems anyway, and i don't know how to fix/arrange them.

Thank you,