smaitch / Grail

World of Warcraft addon to provide a database of quest information.
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Classic - Paladin Tome quests #189

Open Nerillida opened 4 years ago

Nerillida commented 4 years ago

This incorporates Issue 108 which I have closed.

Quests 1641 and 1645 are repeatable quests to read/replace the Tome of Divinity. Quests 1793 and 1794 are repeatable quests to read/replace the Tome of Valor. They never enter the quest log. When the next quests in the chain 1642 for 1641, 1646 for 1645, 1649 for 1793, 1794 are in the log the blue ? disappears. If the downstream quest is abandoned, the blue ? reappears. When the downstream quest is turned-in, the blue ?s are similarly not shown. However, as the system never records these at all, on reloading the quests, they show available on the map/in Wholly's log. If I: codes are used, the whole downstream chain is marked as unavailable, as the chain inherits the I: condition.

So, please consider at the end of processing quests If (Classic) Mark quest 1641 as 1642 is marked Mark quest 1646 as 1645 is marked Mark quest 1793 as 1649 is marked Mark quest 1794 as 1649 is marked end if

There does not seem to be any similar quests for paladins or other classes. It may well be possible thar Blood Elves have a similar weirdness in their quests, who knows. If so, their equivalents could be added here.

I know it's not nice to have "special" pieces of code, I suppose you could write some ??:1234 for them, but I leave it to you to decide if it's worth while.

I am not Lua educated enough to work out where this could go to test.
