smaitch / Grail

World of Warcraft addon to provide a database of quest information.
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Ardenweald: necessary Research #254

Open yoshimo opened 3 years ago

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

We have 3 quests where the availability is not entirely obvious and breadcrumbs and potentially other factors are involved:

Guys to get the Breadcrumb for "Well, Tell the Lady", you gotta start at Foreman Thorodir at location 46,29. You do all these quests with him and Fluttercatch at 47, 24, then you get the breadcrumb for "Well, Tell the Lady" (

malcherus 2 days ago (Patch 9.0.2)I had Trouble in the Banks in my quest log. Once I abandoned it, The Grove of Creation became available.

Doesn't seem to trigger reliably. My warlock was the only person in my party to get the 'bonus' objective. No one else could even see it on the map, much less get it to trigger in their quest log to complete it.

I was level 57, they were all 58 at the time.


`I only have 3 test cases, but it seems that if it is the first character on the account to go thru the Wild Hunt, it doesn't trigger, but if doing a subsequent character (and not doing Threads of Fate leveling) it will trigger this quest. Anyone have another explanation for why it happens sometimes if on main story quest line and never for TOF. `

I personally came into the area with level 60 on the wildhunt campaign part and didn't get it on my shaman.
yoshimo commented 3 years ago
smaitch commented 3 years ago

The expansion that is displayed is solely based on Blizzard API. I have seen that quests return 0 by default, but upon revisiting the quest, Blizzard will have cached it and now return the proper value. However, there are some that always return 0. Perhaps this feature should be removed since Blizzard's API is flaky (from a user perspective).

I have done no real work on any covenant other than Venthyr. Eventually I will get to them all, but it will be quicker for others to contribute in the time being.

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

I think i have done some of the covenants during beta but we need to revisit the old files because queen of the grove was broken back then. Not sure if i got back to finishing that particular covenant in time.