smaitch / Grail

World of Warcraft addon to provide a database of quest information.
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CLASSIC - Holiday Quests #72

Closed Nerillida closed 4 years ago

Nerillida commented 5 years ago

I have tested with Children's Week etc "HC" in some quests. An error

Date: 2019-10-12 08:56:23 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua line 3825: attempt to call local 'CalendarGetNumDayEvents' (a nil value) Debug: Grail\Grail.lua:3825: CelebratingHoliday() Grail\Grail.lua:7507: Grail\Grail.lua:7466 (tail call): ? Grail\Grail.lua:9856: StatusCode() Grail\Grail.lua:4016: ClassificationOfQuestCode() Wholly\Wholly.lua:1509: _ClassifyQuestsInMap() Wholly\Wholly.lua:1949: _ForcePanelMapArea() Wholly\Wholly.lua:4280: UpdateQuestCaches() Wholly\Wholly.lua:1040: ?() Wholly\Wholly.lua:2591: _OnEvent() Wholly\Wholly.lua:4296: Wholly\Wholly.lua:4296 Locals: self =

{ QuestBreadcrumbsFor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8694 bitMaskClassPriest = 256 IsBugged = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6716 bitMaskGenderMale = 8192 _RecordArtifactLevels = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9269 bitMaskCompleted = 1 _PrepareWorldQuestSelfNewNPCs = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:3226 QuestLocationsAccept = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8852 IsAvailable = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6698 NO_SKILL = -1 _HandleEventGarrisonBuildingActivated = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6403 bitMaskClassAll = 268443644 _HandleEventLootClosed = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6431 bitMaskQuestLegendary = 4096 _RemoveDelayedNotification = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:4872 reputationFriends =
{ } NPC_TYPE_BY = "BY" NPC_TYPE_DROP = "DROP" _PostDelayedNotification = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8071 _MarkQuestType = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:5232 receivedCalendarUpdateEventList = false bitMaskClassDeathKnight = 4 QuestNPCPrerequisiteTurnins = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9023 _ProcessServerBackup = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8383 bitMaskQuestVariableLevel = 4278190080 MeetsRequirementGroup = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7668 _EvaluateCodeAsPrerequisite = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:5746 bitMaskInLog = 16 bitMaskQuestWeekly = 4 bitMaskHolidayNoble = 256 MeetsRequirementProfession = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7753 DoesNPCExist = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:5711 npcNames =
{ } _AllEvaluateTrueS = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:3519 bitMaskQuestFailureWithAncestor = 67043200 verifyTable =
{ } _NPCToUse = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7936 garrisonBuildingLevelMapping =
{ } bitMaskClassHunter = 16 _LoadContinentData = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:3054 bitMaskQuestRaid = 128 _LocationStructure = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7253 _HandleEventAchievementEarned = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6398 checksReputationRewardsOnAcceptance = true classToMapAreaMapping =
{ } verifyTableCount = 0 playerGenderBitMask = 16384 _ReputationExceeds = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9457 bitMaskRaceUnused9 = 4096 zonesForLootingTreasure =
{ } bitMaskQuestMonthly = 8 mapAreaBaseClass = 200000 exists73 = false LearnObjectName = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7179 _ContainsAliasNPC = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:5453 classToBitMapping =
{ } FriendshipReputationNameAndLevelName = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9556 QuestBreadcrumbs = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8688 NPCName = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7891 experimental = false bitMaskRaceNightborne = 2 mapAreaBaseReputation = 400000 UnregisterObserverQuestStatus = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:10103 tooltipNPC = com_mithrandir_grailTooltipNPC { } QuestOnAcceptCompletes = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9035 bitMaskAncestorLevelTooHigh = 33554432 bitMaskRaceTroll = 16777216 bitMaskCanGetUnused2 = 65536 _IntegerFromStringPosition = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:5287 bitMaskQuestMinLevel = 65280 bitMaskLevelTooHigh = 32768 IsGroup = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:6750 bitMaskCanGetUnused8 = 4194304 bitMaskCanGetUnused15 = 1073741824 MeetsRequirementGroupPossibleToComplete = defined @Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:7696 questReputations =
{ } versionNumber = 102 _ProcessQuestsForHandlers = <fu AddOns: MoncaiCompare, v7.2.0 Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon) AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v1.3.3 AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon) auccheapsearcher, v20190917r3 AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon) BadBoy, vv1-classic BadBoyCCleaner, vv8.2.0 BadBoyGuilded, vv8.2.0 BasicChatMods, vv2-classic BeanCounter, v8.2.6422 (SwimmingSeadragon) BetterVendorPrice, vv1.09.01 ClassicCastbars, vv1.0.6 ClassicCastbarsOptions, v ClassicSpellActivations, v ClassTrainerPlus, v0.5-beta CTBarMod, v8.2.5.3 CTBuffMod, v8.2.5.2 CTCore, v8.2.5.2 CTLibrary, v8.2.5.1 CTMailMod, v8.2.0.8 CTMapMod, v8.2.5.2 CTPartyBuffs, v8.2.0.1 CTUnitFrames, v8.2.5.2 Enchantrix, v8.2.6428 (SwimmingSeadragon) ExtVendorUIClassic, v1.0.4 GatherMate2, v1.45.4 Grail, v102 GrailNPCsclassic, v27178 GrailNPCsclassicenUS, v27178 GrailQuestsclassic, v27178 GrailQuestsclassicenUS, v29297 GrailReputationsclassic, v007 GrailWhen, v002 GSE, v2.4.21 GSEGUI, v2.4.21 GSELDB, v2.4.21 Informant, v8.2.6374 (SwimmingSeadragon) LetMeCast, v1.3 MageButtons, v1.0 Mapster, v1.8.5 Misspelled, v1.7.4 MonkeyBuddy, v MonkeyLibrary, v MonkeyQuest, v MonkeyQuestLog, v OmniCC, v8.2.4 QuestFrameFixer, v1.1.1 QuestIconDesaturation, v3.1 Questie, v4.1.1 BETA QuestLogEx, v1.2 SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon) Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon) TFTB, v1.10 TitanClassic, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicAmmo, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicBag, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicClock, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicGold, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicLocation, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicLootType, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicPerformance, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicRegen, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicRepair, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicVolume, v1.1.0.11302 TitanClassicXP, v1.1.0.11302 WhatsTraining, v1.8.4 Wholly, v074 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.13.2.11302 (ck=8a0)

I assume we will have the holidays in Classic sometime.

smaitch commented 5 years ago

The next release of Grail will no longer throw a Lua error, but we still cannot handle the proper holiday information that is derived from the calendar as there is no calendar in Classic.

Nerillida commented 5 years ago

Yes, Kinda guessed that. As a suggestion, a page on Wholly to mark them on or off? I realise that this is decidedly inelegant.

If possible, could you have quests with a holiday be blocked from display, until you find a way to block them. If it's not too much extra.

smaitch commented 4 years ago

The latest Grail should handle the lack of holidays in Classic well. If we start getting holidays in Classic we can add them but will need a new release of Grail each time we add a set of holidays.