smakosh / gatsby-source-dribbble

Load your Dribbble shots into your Gatsby website
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Query actual Projects instead of Shots. #4

Open dongepulango opened 4 years ago

dongepulango commented 4 years ago

First of all thanks for the plugin, works great.

I think the query name allDribleProjects is confusing because it's fetching Dribbble Shots not the actual Dribbble Projects.

Dribbble Projects can be seen in example: which contains all the shots on each project.

Is there a way to query Dribbble Projects instead? And if no maybe a just field on allDribleProjects that reference which Project each shot belongs to?

Thanks in advance.

smakosh commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply @dongepulango, work has been overwhelming recent months and is still actually, I will check on that as soon as I'm free.