small-hack / smol-k8s-lab

☁️ CLI & TUI with a smol friendly vibe to get started with Kubernetes on metal, then bootstrap apps using Argo CD 🧸 Great for testing webapps and benchmarking.
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Add sync option to apps in the TUI; fix select bug where distro became 'worker' #184

Closed jessebot closed 3 months ago

jessebot commented 3 months ago

This also fixes the node deprecation error from the bw cli.

Quick run through of new feature:

There are no captions above, but as a quick transcript, I note that after you have an existing cluster, if you click it, then select the modify button, you will go to the apps screen. From the apps screen, if an app is enabled, in the app input panel on the right, in the bottom right corner of the border, there will now be a "🔁 sync" button. If you click that button, it will sync your Argo CD app if it already exists, and then it will output the result into a notification that can be clicked to make it go away. I also note in the video that in the future, I'd like apps that haven't been installed to have an install button, so you can install new apps directly via the tui instead having to click through to the cli run. Thanks!