smallAreaHealthStatisticsUnit / rapidInquiryFacility

The Rapid Inquiry Facility (RIF) helps epidemiologists and public health researchers in environmental health activities.
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Improve taxonomy service startup #107

Closed devilgate closed 5 years ago

devilgate commented 5 years ago

This fixes #103. Taxonomy services now start when the app server starts, rather than when a user first logs on (though they are still checked when a user logs on, which should allow them to restart if they have failed).

And now, with multiple services supported, if one fails, the whole service does not fail. The user will see all the loaded taxonomies in the dropdown.

peterhambly commented 5 years ago

There is a problem with the ICD10 query of c: (http://localhost:8080/taxonomies/service/getMatchingTerms?taxonomy_id=icd10&search_text=c&is_case_sensitive=false)

This is returning malformed JSON: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unterminated string at line 1 column 1048577 of the JSON data.

i.e. it is truncated at element 1742. Note also the filter is failing:

            }, {
                "description": "\n\t\t\tSyndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone\n\t\t",
                "identifier": "E222-icd10",
                "label": "E222",
                "nameSpace": "icd10",
                "parentTerm": {
                    "description": "\n\t\t\tHyperfunction of pituitary gland\n\t\t",
                    "identifier": "E22-icd10",
                    "label": "E22",
                    "nameSpace": "icd10",
                    "parentTerm": {
                        "description": "\n\t\t\tDisorders of other endocrine glands\n\t\t",
                        "identifier": "E20-E35-icd10",
                        "label": "E20-E35",
                        "nameSpace": "icd10",
                        "parentTerm": {
                            "description": "\n\t\t\tEndocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases\n\t\t",
                            "identifier": "IV-null",
                            "label": "IV"
            }, {
                "description": "\n\t\t\tO
devilgate commented 5 years ago

I don't get an error. Either by searching for "C" in the UI or by hitting the URL above, it works. However, I think we're using different datasets for the ICD10 codes. I'm using the example set and I think you might be using the full set?

My results aren't anything like as big as 1048577, and I don't have the E22 examples you show.

So where do I get the full data so I can test with that?

Also I'm not sure what you mean by "the filter", when you say "Note also the filter is failing".

devilgate commented 5 years ago

OK, thanks for sending me the files. With those in place, it works for me. A search for "C" returns 9162 hits.

Note, though, that there was a mismatch in what you sent. The config file referred to icd10ClaML2016ens.xml, but the actual file was icdClaML2016ens.xml (without the "10"). I renamed the file and it started working. So you might want to check that.

peterhambly commented 5 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that the parse error is a Firefox bug; the Investigation parameters screen is working fine.