smallAreaHealthStatisticsUnit / rapidInquiryFacility

The Rapid Inquiry Facility (RIF) helps epidemiologists and public health researchers in environmental health activities.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Run R Functions in a Separate Service #114

Closed devilgate closed 5 years ago

devilgate commented 5 years ago

This change introduces a new service, the Statistics Service.

It comes in the form of a new module: statsService; which produces a new WAR file: statistics.war

You shouldn't have to do anything special to run it, except make sure the new WAR file is deployed to Tomcat along with the others.

With this in place, everything runs the same as before, but you can hot-deploy rifServices.war without it causing problems.

You can't, however, safely hot-deploy this new WAR file. That's for exactly the same reason as the original problem, not surprisingly. I remain convinced that the root problem is in JRI, but it might be inherent to the fact that it is loading a native shared library (DLL or similar). I experimented with ways to ensure that the native library gets unloaded on shutdown, but without success so far.

For now I've just documented the fact that, should you need to redeploy statistics.war, you will have to restart Tomcat. It's not something that should be happening very often anyway.

This closes #111 and also #87.

peterhambly commented 5 years ago

Needs to log to a separate log4j file or log rotation will not log. This has been done before by copying but it is probably time for a better solution.

Postgres: OK SQL Server: FAILS updating the results map table. Probably a piece of SQL Server specific code has been missed in the migration. Error trace appears in the front end OK.

!!!!!! Statistics WebService !!!!!!
07:53:31.040 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.StatisticsResource]:
In runScript, serving /statistics/script
07:53:31.041 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.StatisticsResource]:
Parameters object is not null
07:53:31.041 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
In runScript
07:53:31.041 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
R parameters: 
java_lib_path_dir=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\rifServices\WEB-INF\lib
studyName=TEST 1002
studyDescription=TEST 1002 LUNG CANCER HET 95_96

07:53:31.042 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Loading R script C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\statistics\WEB-INF\classes\Statistics_JRI.R
07:53:31.042 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Source(\): 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 8.5\\webapps\\statistics\\WEB-INF\\classes\\Statistics_JRI.R'
07:53:32.022 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.logging.LoggingConsole]:
rFlushConsole[2] calls: 58, length: 846, time period: PT1M38.861S

 "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.4/library"
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17134)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.4.4
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: RODBC
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: RJDBC
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: DBI
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: rJava
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: sp

07:53:33.680 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.logging.LoggingConsole]:
rFlushConsole[3] calls: 2, length: 186, time period: PT1.657S

R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: Matrix
R Error/Warning/Notice: This is INLA_17.06.20 built 2017-06-20 03:42:30 UTC.
See for how to get help.

07:53:35.123 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Done: 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 8.5\\webapps\\statistics\\WEB-INF\\classes\\Statistics_JRI.R'
07:53:35.125 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Loading R script C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\statistics\WEB-INF\classes\performSmoothingActivity.R
07:53:35.126 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Source(\): 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 8.5\\webapps\\statistics\\WEB-INF\\classes\\performSmoothingActivity.R'
07:53:35.136 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Done: 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 8.5\\webapps\\statistics\\WEB-INF\\classes\\performSmoothingActivity.R'
07:53:35.136 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.ScriptService]:
Calling Disease Mapping R function
07:53:35.298 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.logging.LoggingConsole]:
rFlushConsole[4] calls: 6, length: 689, time period: PT1.617S

R Error/Warning/Notice: 
Attaching package: 'INLA'

R Error/Warning/Notice: The following object is masked from 'package:pryr':


R Error/Warning/Notice: Checking rgeos availability: FALSE
    Note: when rgeos is not available, polygon geometry     computations in maptools depend on gpclib,
    which has a restricted licence. It is disabled by default;
    to enable gpclib, type gpclibPermit()
R Error/Warning/Notice: Loading required package: spData
R Error/Warning/Notice: To access larger datasets in this package, install the spDataLarge
package with: `install.packages('spDataLarge',
repos='', type='source'))`
In runRSmoothingFunctions in JRI script 

07:54:05.131 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.stats.service.logging.LoggingConsole]:
rFlushConsole[5] calls: 14, length: 1031, time period: PT29.833S

In establishTableNames; scratchSpace is  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data 
Table names established
Copy:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5/webapps/statistics/WEB-INF/classes/performSmoothingActivity.R  to:  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/performSmoothingActivity.R 
Copy:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5/webapps/statistics/WEB-INF/classes/Statistics_csv.R  to:  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/Statistics_csv.R 
Copy:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5/webapps/statistics/WEB-INF/classes/Statistics_Common.R  to:  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/Statistics_Common.R 
Copy:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5/webapps/statistics/WEB-INF/classes/rif40_run_R.bat  to:  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/rif40_run_R.bat 
Create:  scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/rif40_run_R_env.bat 
About to test exitValue 0 and connection 
Performing basic stats and smoothing
Statistics_JRI.R exitValue: 1; append statsOutput tracer: 217; to errorTrace tracer: 3

07:54:05.514 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : []:
Statistics service called: POST http://localhost:8080/statistics/service/script returned a response status of 500 Internal Server Error
07:54:05.515 [pool-7-thread-1] ERROR org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : []:
Received a failure response from the Statistics Service. Response as a string is 

    POST http://localhost:8080/statistics/service/script returned a response status of 500 Internal Server Error

The Entity from the Response is 

    Trying JDBC connection using driver class, lib dir C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\rifServices\WEB-INF\lib, URL jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433, user peter
... JDBC connection established 
Connected to DB
connectToDb exitValue: 0
About to fetch extract table
JDBC EXTRACT TABLE NAME: rif_studies.s174_extract
Querying by JDBC: select * from rif_studies.s174_extract 
JDBC Saving extract frame to: scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/tmp_s174_extract.csv
JDBC rif_studies.s174_extract numberOfRows=108328==
About to get adjacency matrix
Querying by JDBC: SELECT b2.adjacencytable
                 FROM [rif40].[rif40_studies] b1, [rif40].[rif40_geographies] b2
                 WHERE b1.study_id  =  174 
                 AND b2.geography = b1.geography 
Querying by JDBC: WITH b AS ( /* Tilemaker: has adjacency table */
                 SELECT b1.area_id, b3.geolevel_id
                 FROM [rif40].[rif40_study_areas] b1, [rif40].[rif40_studies] b2, [rif40].[rif40_geolevels] b3
                 WHERE b1.study_id  = 174
                 AND b1.study_id  = b2.study_id
                 AND b2.geography = b3.geography
                 SELECT c1.areaid AS area_id, c1.num_adjacencies, c1.adjacency_list
                 FROM [rif_data].[adjacency_sahsuland] c1, b
                 WHERE c1.geolevel_id   = b.geolevel_id
                 AND c1.areaid      = b.area_id
                 ORDER BY 1 
rif40_GetAdjacencyMatrix numberOfRows=1229==
Saving adjacency matrix to: scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/tmp_s174_adjacency_matrix.csv
About to smooth
Covariates: none
Removed: 0 of 8012 non adjacent areas
Bayes smoothing with HET model type no adjustment
Posterior probability calculated
callPerformSmoothingActivity exitValue: 0
performSmoothingActivity() OK:  0 
typeof(result$area_id[1]) ---->  integer ; check.integer(result$area_id[1]):  FALSE ; result$area_id[1]:  01.001.000100.1 
About to save to table
In saveDataFrameToDatabaseTableSaving data frame to: scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/tmp_s174_map.csv
Creating temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace INF will NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace NAN with NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace "" will NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
About to write temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map; first 10 rows
           area_id gid gid_rowindex username study_id inv_id band_id genders
1  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       1
2  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       2
3  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       3
4  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       1
5  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       2
6  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       3
7  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       1
8  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       2
9  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       3
10 01.001.000300.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       4       1
   direct_standardisation adjusted observed  expected   lower95  upper95
1                       0        0        4  9.298619 0.1172072 1.101410
2                       0        0       10  6.215759 0.7714888 2.958666
3                       0        0       14 16.502903 0.4637930 1.423363
4                       0        0        8  9.799017 0.3524672 1.608650
5                       0        0        4  6.032311 0.1806713 1.697788
6                       0        0       12 16.576684 0.3740540 1.264522
7                       0        0       16  8.413628 1.0869725 3.088204
8                       0        0        4  4.376545 0.2490242 2.340108
9                       0        0       20 12.706711 0.9614226 2.430871
10                      0        0        8  9.577352 0.3606250 1.645882
   relative_risk smoothed_relative_risk posterior_probability
1      0.4301714              0.4301714             0.1171262
2      1.6088139              1.6088139             0.9480916
3      0.8483356              0.8483356             0.4156899
4      0.8164085              0.8164085             0.4203541
5      0.6630957              0.6630957             0.3690862
6      0.7239084              0.7239084             0.2528017
7      1.9016766              1.9016766             0.9849630
8      0.9139630              0.9139630             0.5702991
9      1.5739714              1.5739714             0.9689681
10     0.8353040              0.8353040             0.4408056
   posterior_probability_upper95 posterior_probability_lower95
1                             NA                            NA
2                             NA                            NA
3                             NA                            NA
4                             NA                            NA
5                             NA                            NA
6                             NA                            NA
7                             NA                            NA
8                             NA                            NA
9                             NA                            NA
10                            NA                            NA
   residual_relative_risk residual_rr_lower95 residual_rr_upper95 smoothed_smr
1                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.6453322
2                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.3677098
3                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8699985
4                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8522729
5                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.7294029
6                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.7878698
7                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.5300215
8                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8778297
9                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.3548498
10                     NA                  NA                  NA    0.8637252
   smoothed_smr_lower95 smoothed_smr_upper95
1             0.3577265             1.112127
2             0.7438924             2.360420
3             0.5606205             1.307479
4             0.4971489             1.400670
5             0.3422524             1.433292
6             0.5006380             1.199196
7             0.9550995             2.364329
8             0.4001204             1.773553
9             0.8962529             1.989012
10            0.5031049             1.421521
Stack tracer >>>

 .handleSimpleError(function (obj) 
    calls = sys.calls()
    calls = ca stop("execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (", .jcall(x, "S", " .local(conn, statement, ...) dbSendUpdate(conn, inss, list = list) dbSendUpdate(conn, inss, list = list) .local(conn, name, value, ...) dbWriteTable(connection, name = temporarySmoothedResultsTableName, value =  dbWriteTable(connection, name = temporarySmoothedResultsTableName, value =  Statistics_Common.R#178: withVisible(expr) Statistics_Common.R#178: withCallingHandlers(withVisible(expr), error = err withErrorTracing({
    if (dbExistsTable(connection, temporarySmoothedResul doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]]) tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) tryCatchOne(tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]), names tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) tryCatch({
        if (dbExistsTable(connection, tem eval(expr, pf) eval(expr, pf) withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) evalVis(expr) JdbcHandler.R#186: capture.output({
    cat("In saveDataFrameToDatabaseTabl saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable(result) tryCatch({
        cat(paste0("About to fetch extrac eval(expr, pf) eval(expr, pf) withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) evalVis(expr) Statistics_JRI.R#97: capture.output({
        withErrorTraci runRSmoothingFunctions() 
<<< End of stack tracer.
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  .local 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  conn 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  statement 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  ... 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable finishing
In saveDataFrameToDatabaseTableSaving data frame to: scratchSpace/d101-200/s174/data/tmp_s174_map.csv
Creating temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace INF will NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace NAN with NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
Replace "" will NA for temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map
About to write temporary table: peter.tmp_s174_map; first 10 rows
           area_id gid gid_rowindex username study_id inv_id band_id genders
1  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       1
2  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       2
3  01.001.000100.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       1       3
4  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       1
5  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       2
6  01.001.000100.2  NA           NA       NA      174    160       2       3
7  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       1
8  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       2
9  01.001.000200.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       3       3
10 01.001.000300.1  NA           NA       NA      174    160       4       1
   direct_standardisation adjusted observed  expected   lower95  upper95
1                       0        0        4  9.298619 0.1172072 1.101410
2                       0        0       10  6.215759 0.7714888 2.958666
3                       0        0       14 16.502903 0.4637930 1.423363
4                       0        0        8  9.799017 0.3524672 1.608650
5                       0        0        4  6.032311 0.1806713 1.697788
6                       0        0       12 16.576684 0.3740540 1.264522
7                       0        0       16  8.413628 1.0869725 3.088204
8                       0        0        4  4.376545 0.2490242 2.340108
9                       0        0       20 12.706711 0.9614226 2.430871
10                      0        0        8  9.577352 0.3606250 1.645882
   relative_risk smoothed_relative_risk posterior_probability
1      0.4301714              0.4301714             0.1171262
2      1.6088139              1.6088139             0.9480916
3      0.8483356              0.8483356             0.4156899
4      0.8164085              0.8164085             0.4203541
5      0.6630957              0.6630957             0.3690862
6      0.7239084              0.7239084             0.2528017
7      1.9016766              1.9016766             0.9849630
8      0.9139630              0.9139630             0.5702991
9      1.5739714              1.5739714             0.9689681
10     0.8353040              0.8353040             0.4408056
   posterior_probability_upper95 posterior_probability_lower95
1                             NA                            NA
2                             NA                            NA
3                             NA                            NA
4                             NA                            NA
5                             NA                            NA
6                             NA                            NA
7                             NA                            NA
8                             NA                            NA
9                             NA                            NA
10                            NA                            NA
   residual_relative_risk residual_rr_lower95 residual_rr_upper95 smoothed_smr
1                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.6453322
2                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.3677098
3                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8699985
4                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8522729
5                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.7294029
6                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.7878698
7                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.5300215
8                      NA                  NA                  NA    0.8778297
9                      NA                  NA                  NA    1.3548498
10                     NA                  NA                  NA    0.8637252
   smoothed_smr_lower95 smoothed_smr_upper95
1             0.3577265             1.112127
2             0.7438924             2.360420
3             0.5606205             1.307479
4             0.4971489             1.400670
5             0.3422524             1.433292
6             0.5006380             1.199196
7             0.9550995             2.364329
8             0.4001204             1.773553
9             0.8962529             1.989012
10            0.5031049             1.421521
Stack tracer >>>

 .handleSimpleError(function (obj) 
    calls = sys.calls()
    calls = ca stop("execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (", .jcall(x, "S", " .local(conn, statement, ...) dbSendUpdate(conn, inss, list = list) dbSendUpdate(conn, inss, list = list) .local(conn, name, value, ...) dbWriteTable(connection, name = temporarySmoothedResultsTableName, value =  dbWriteTable(connection, name = temporarySmoothedResultsTableName, value =  Statistics_Common.R#178: withVisible(expr) Statistics_Common.R#178: withCallingHandlers(withVisible(expr), error = err withErrorTracing({
    if (dbExistsTable(connection, temporarySmoothedResul doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]]) tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) tryCatchOne(tryCatchList(expr, names[-nh], parentenv, handlers[-nh]), names tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) tryCatch({
        if (dbExistsTable(connection, tem eval(expr, pf) eval(expr, pf) withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) evalVis(expr) JdbcHandler.R#186: capture.output({
    cat("In saveDataFrameToDatabaseTabl saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable(result) tryCatch({
        cat(paste0("About to fetch extrac eval(expr, pf) eval(expr, pf) withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) evalVis(expr) Statistics_JRI.R#97: capture.output({
        withErrorTraci runRSmoothingFunctions() 
<<< End of stack tracer.
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  .local 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  conn 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  statement 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable() ERROR:  execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 4 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type float. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.) ; call stack:  ... 
saveDataFrameToDatabaseTable finishing

----------------- End of Statistics failure details -------------------

07:54:05.516 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : []:
CommonStudyStateManager updateStudyStatus: study_id: 174; state: F; statusMessage: The study results have been created, but there were errors in the statistics processing.
07:54:05.568 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : []:
CommonStudyStateManager: study_id: 174; COMMIT
07:54:05.569 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO  org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : []:
run() FAILED: null
07:54:05.569 [pool-7-thread-1] ERROR org.sahsu.rif.generic.util.RIFLogger : [org.sahsu.rif.generic.system.RIFServiceException]:
1 error(s). Error code is 'null'. Message list is: 'Status is 'The study results have been created, but there were errors in the statistics processing.'; error study state is 'STUDY_RESULTS_RFAILURE''
Stack trace of cause follows
devilgate commented 5 years ago

Hi Peter,

On the logging: I copied the existing log configuration (not the class), and on my system the statistics service logs to a separate file. The only problem is that it's a second instance of RIF_middleware*.log. So the naming could be better. I agree that the whole area needs an overhaul, but I didn't want to touch that as part of this change, since this is quite big already. We have a separate story for handling all that, #86.

On SQL Server: I really need to set up an environment where I can test with it. Maybe I can get that done as part of my installation-process-improvement work. For now, I'm surprised to see "execute JDBC update" in the above log. Shouldn't it be using ODBC? That could perhaps be the problem: something I've done by moving the R to a new service might have disrupted the JDBC/ODBC decision. I'll investigate.

But you suggest that "Probably a piece of SQL Server specific code has been missed in the migration." Do you mean the migration of code to the new service? I didn't knowingly touch any SQL in that. I moved the R scripts, and wrote new Java. There is SQL in the R scripts, but not in anything I touched.

Would you be able to investigate this a bit more?

peterhambly commented 5 years ago

Actually the problem is the SQL Server is running the JDBC code and hitting the known MARS (array INSERT/UPDATE) bug. I will look at this further, All the log is going into one file which will need tpo be changed to avoid log4j logrotate issues

devilgate commented 5 years ago

I'd come to the same conclusion. I was loading both the ODBC and JDBC scripts all the time. This change fixes that, so please give it another try.

devilgate commented 5 years ago

As to the logging: strange. I get two files: RIF_middleware.2018-11-22-1.log has the rifServices details, and RIF_middleware.log-2018-11-22-1.log has the statsService. The naming is weird, but they are separated.

But why will there be log rotation issues if both services log to the same file?

peterhambly commented 5 years ago

OK, so I think this is now fine to merge. I have added a separate statistics logger with new log4j.xml with an Abstract CommonLogger class. Logging is now fine and all the services will auto-restart except for the statistics service which does, but rifServices hangs. This hang is also seen if you try to auto-restart all the services at once (e.g. make install target). This is I suspect a threading bug in log4j.

Postgres and SQL Server now both OK.