smallrye / smallrye-graphql

Implementation for MicroProfile GraphQL
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Error generating query $null parameter #2111

Closed vitomanu96 closed 2 months ago

vitomanu96 commented 2 months ago

I'm using Quarkus 3.10.1 with SmallRye-GraphQL-Client library.

I have to fetch data from this query:

query($listaIdTitoli: [BigInteger]) { loadProvvigioniSuTitoli(listaIdTitoli: $listaIdTitoli){ id } }

But when Quarkus start print this generated query:

Query created: query loadProvvigioniSuTitoli($null: [BigInteger]) { loadProvvigioniSuTitoli(listaIdTitoli: $null) {id} }

Quarkus set $null insted of $listaIdTitoli

Here my interface definition:

@GraphQLClientApi(configKey = "p2l")
public interface P2LGraphQLClient {

     * Recupero delle provvigioni di secondo livello a partire da un idTitolo
     * @param listaIdTitoli lista degli id dei titoli tecnici
     * @return la lista delle provvigioni per titolo
    List<ProvvigioneTitolo> loadProvvigioniSuTitoli(@Name("listaIdTitoli") List<Long> listaIdTitoli);
mskacelik commented 2 months ago

Very strange, gonna look into it

mskacelik commented 2 months ago

@vitomanu96 I tried to reproduce the problem for Quarkus 3.10.1, but my query building works as intended: Traced log: Query created: query loadProvvigioniSuTitoli($listaIdTitoli: [BigInteger]) { loadProvvigioniSuTitoli(listaIdTitoli: $listaIdTitoli) {id} } I tested the data like this:

List<ProvvigioneTitolo> loadProvvigioniSuTitoli(@Name("listaIdTitoli") List<Long> listaIdTitoli);
class ProvvigioneTitolo {
        int id;

Can you please create a whole reproducer and link it?

ErtiRakipaj commented 2 months ago

Very strange, gonna look into it

A solution that worked was removing the @Name annotation from the parameter on the interface definition and adding: <arg>-parameters</arg> under <compileArgs> on the POM, if you're using maven-compiler-plugin. Like this for example:

                        --other args that may be here
                        <arg>-parameters</arg>  -- this is the arg to add

Basically passing the parameters to the java compiler via maven, allowing access at runtime. When you remove the @ Name annotation this is a solution that is also on the logs, which says: You can either annotate all parameteres with @Name, or compile your source code with the -parameters options, so the parameter names are compiled into the class file and available at runtime.

mskacelik commented 2 months ago

Oh yes, you are right, thank you @ErtiRakipaj :). With that said, this exact reproducer (with removed configuration) does not log out the given error message. So, I will create a PR with the fix in a few.

mskacelik commented 2 months ago

I understand now; the Java Reflection approach previously returned the parameter names as arg0, arg1, arg2,... So the solution was to add 1) the @Name to add the alias (the arg# will still be there) or 2) the undermentioned configuration. But with the newly implemented Jandex approach, all the parameter names are returned as null, null, null,... (without the configuration)

jmartisk commented 2 months ago

I have to say that using the -parameters argument generally is considered required for Quarkus applications. If you don't have it, there's a lot of other ways that your app can blow up. Generating a default name in this case, I guess I'm not strictly against it, but it shouldn't be used, because you have little control over the name then.