Open nikhilk1701 opened 1 year ago
Hey @nikhilk1701 👋. Thanks for opening the issue!
I'll look into this, but was hoping we could get a little more context on how the errors are coming about.
in HA mode (3 instances connected to one backend). There are certain commands for which that could be an issue, but this isn't one of the ones where I might expect issue. Do you know if the same error occurs if you only run one instance?Answers to these questions will help narrow down our search. My gut tells me there's an issue in the mysql client code in smallstep/nosql -- but I want to rule out other possibilities before digging in there. Also, if the issue is in the MySQL client that would be surprising since it's one of the database integrations that's been around the longest; would have expected an issue like this to come to light sooner.
Hey @dopey 👋. Thanks for picking up the issue. To answer your questions,
.To give you some more context, our mysql backend is a 3-node HA setup exposed via a mysql router.
Heyo, sorry for the radio silence.
Had another chance to discuss with the team and came up with a couple more questions. I'll add those at the bottom.
But I had a different question first: did you purposefully remove your OTT from the error you pasted in the first comment? error="authority.Authorize: authority.authorizeSSHSign: failed when attempting to store token: error storing used token used_ott/: commands out of sync. You can't run this command now"
. Here's a bit of code that wraps the error: It should be printing the table name followed by the token but in your pasted error the token is empty. That behavior is concerning - unless you purposefully removed the token manually before posting.
A bit of background before more questions. We have integrations with small number of databases and each of these integrations implements the same generalized API. The error in smallstep/certificates is coming from here: And here is the relevant code in our mysql implementation You'll see that a transaction is being created, executed, and then committed. This should be an atomic operation, so it's unclear to me how we could be getting an "operations out of sync" error.
Now to the questions:
. I can see where the error is coming from in step-ca
but not in the smallstep/nosql client library. Most of the errors in the client library are wrapped - but this one isn't. There are a couple unwrapped errors I can see in the cmpAndSwap code, but it feels strange for any of those to be triggering an error. A stack trace would help with identifying the exact line the error is coming from.thanks!
Based on the fact the error isn't wrapped - I would guess it's coming from here:
Hey, I've purposefully removed the token from the error message
, I was being careful(in a non-sensical way maybe). The actual error message has the token printed and looks like this -
time="2022-10-20T09:37:08Z" level=error duration=84.693869ms duration-ns=84693869 error="authority.Authorize: authority.authorizeSSHSign: failed when attempting to store token: error storing used token used_ott/e54adbf18c1e6bcc9aee680f1e4ba458248b799ec2a98b3a6c2aa285e7a16c87: commands out of sync. You can't run this command now" fields.time="2022-10-20T09:37:08Z" method=POST name=ca ott=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJrZEpHMkJXRUNhNlJBZHNMM2w3X1NtSFYyRVdPLUZ3Tjg0YlpBZ29mTVY0In0.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.WZNo6i-7w8npOW_OeVk2gKIlg4ier59udwom0SXaUxsUz4Weasu_P27jjbxtBkp6NkMNKf19MdWS6Q11kx-JUap11FbFZtym7cQxayPJlhxR61BEPti_evJx5f7UKnKyaaQrS7rwzeedW5JEjrQR0E8BV7aQZPXyhc0BUK6Kf1TRzHR4T3qzyHZBMgrJNFBRop858m3zmEb16lmp7Yv-CHER7MalrYPTKQZezcJ6d5q5h6aehB-i5ngCmZnRj5PbJjOzhxFNcPi9FSoPG82nAFrBHOUU1Rw3ZJW7BZARhsrJg7XGRCaLRbpJmfvOl4yBtXT9ffXZ8DuAmijXxa8_UQ path=/ssh/sign protocol=HTTP/2.0 referer= remote-address= request-id=cd8hdh3pi6rc4fev3hd0 size=148 status=500 user-agent="Smallstep CLI/0.22.0 (darwin/amd64)" user-id=
I haven't purposefully removed the token from the database.
To answer your questions:
to 1 didn't help, I was getting the same log messages.mysqld
did not log any error messages.MySQL Community - GPL version 8.0.30
Hey @nikhilk1701 we've been unable to replicate the behavior locally and as such, we're not really able to debug further.
If you find a more consistent way for us to replicate the behavior please let us know.
Steps to Reproduce
Out current setup:
Steps to reproduce:
step ssh login <keycloak-user-email-id>
token can be found in the command line
but the terminal saysThe certificate authority encountered an Internal Server Error. Please see the certificate authority logs for more info. Re-run with STEPDEBUG=1 for more info.
time="2022-11-21T05:41:36Z" level=error duration=2.102361ms duration-ns=2102361 error="authority.Authorize: authority.authorizeSSHSign: failed when attempting to store token: error storing used token used_ott/: commands out of sync. You can't run this command now" fields.time="2022-11-21T05:41:36Z" method=POST name=ca ott= path=/ssh/sign protocol=HTTP/2.0 referer= remote-address= request-id=cdtgv43l6md73t0rqkhg size=148 status=500 user-agent="Smallstep CLI/0.22.0 (darwin/amd64)" user-id=
MYSQL documentation says the error
commands out of sync. You can't run this command now
occurs when in the client code, you are calling client functions in the wrong order - referenceYour Environment
Version - smallstep/step-ca:0.23.0 Docker imageExpected Behavior
That the CA server signs the users key without any error.
Actual Behavior
After the OIDC provisioner authentication step is done, the CA is erroring out when it's trying to communicate with it's mysql backend in the process of signing the authenticated user's public key.
Additional Context
No response
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