Closed smanders closed 4 years ago
3.13 Release Notes 3.14 Release Notes 3.15 Release Notes 3.16 Release Notes 3.17 Release Notes
to get a feel for cmake releases here are some dates
I would vote we move to at least 3.16.6 (the release notes don't currently show what was fixed since 3.16.5) or the very latest 3.17.1 -- I'll look closer at the release notes to see if there are compelling features in 3.17, but very often the bleeding edge has given us issues on past releases
using cmake 3.17 on Vantage (a project that uses externpro) generates a bunch of cmake warnings (one for every external project from externpro, internpro, and webpro) -- similar to the following
CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:272 (message):
The package name passed to `find_package_handle_standard_args` (eigen) does
not match the name of the calling package (usexp-eigen). This can lead to
problems in calling code that expects `find_package` result variables
(e.g., `_FOUND`) to follow a certain pattern.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/opt/extern/externpro-20.02.1-gcc750-64-Linux/share/cmake/usexp-eigen-config.cmake:24 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
/opt/extern/externpro-20.02.1-gcc750-64-Linux/share/cmake/xpfunmac.cmake:1173 (find_package)
Shared/make/toplevel.cmake:11 (xpFindPkg)
CMakeLists.txt:5 (include)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
looking at the CMake documentation for find_package_handle_standard_args() I thought the most straightforward change to make would be to add NAME_MISMATCHED
to every find_package_handle_standard_args()
diff --git a/projects/use/usexp-eigen-config.cmake b/projects/use/usexp-eigen-config.cmake
index 2fe5247..b42d033 100644
--- a/projects/use/usexp-eigen-config.cmake
+++ b/projects/use/usexp-eigen-config.cmake
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ if(NOT TARGET xpro::eigen)
set(reqVars ${PRJ}_VER ${PRJ}_INCLUDE_DIR)
-find_package_handle_standard_args(${prj} REQUIRED_VARS ${reqVars})
+find_package_handle_standard_args(${prj} REQUIRED_VARS ${reqVars} NAME_MISMATCHED)
this would need to be done for every usexp-<project>-config.cmake
("use script") in externpro, internpro, and webpro
this solution seemed painful because it would require simultaneous releases of externpro, internpro, and webpro that aren't backwards compatible to versions of cmake (for example, the current 3.12) that don't understand NAME_MISMATCHED
even with all of these changes, I was still experiencing a cmake warning generated by protobuf and I thought I would need to patch protobuf to get past the warning generated by these lines
but looking closer I realized that this is the "simple" or "old" signature of find_package_handle_standard_args()
mentioned in the docs and reading closer led me to a mention of setting the FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED
variable to bypass the warning if using the old signature
and so I found that I wouldn't need to patch protobuf, but could do this in the protobuf use script
diff --git a/projects/use/usexp-protobuf-config.cmake b/projects/use/usexp-protobuf-config.cmake
index 0565e32..6bddcd0 100644
--- a/projects/use/usexp-protobuf-config.cmake
+++ b/projects/use/usexp-protobuf-config.cmake
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ get_filename_component(XP_ROOTDIR ${XP_ROOTDIR} ABSOLUTE) # remove relative part
string(TOUPPER ${prj} PRJ)
set(${PRJ}_VER "@VER@ [@PROJECT_NAME@]")
set(nsPrefix xpro::) # TRICKY: nsPrefix also used in protobuf-module.cmake
+set(FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED ON) # protobuf-module.cmake FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS old signature
# protobuf installs a config file which includes -targets.cmake and -module.cmake
set(${PRJ}_LIBRARIES ${nsPrefix}libprotobuf)
set(${PRJ}_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE ${nsPrefix}protoc) # TRICKY: must be named to match what's used in -module.cmake
get_target_property(PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR ${nsPrefix}libprotobuf INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
I found I had to unset(FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED)
because cmake wasn't happy if I was using both FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED
and then the light bulb turned on... and I realized I could avoid using NAME_MISMATCHED
in every single use script across externpro, internpro, and webpro if I simply used FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED
globally for anything that utilizes externpro! so where should that call be made?
with cmake 3.17, running cmake on internpro (patch step) generates the cmake warning about the mismatched name (because it calls the patch project use script), which means putting
in Findexternpro.cmake ("externpro find script") so that it's set for everything that uses externpro
and so that's the story behind the "resolve CMake Warnings: find_package_handle_standard_args" commit
and with these commits (to resolve cmake warnings) we can release externpro independently of internpro and webpro and the changes are backwards compatible, too... so these changes don't require us to switch to cmake 3.17 (for these changes)
cmake 3.17.3 is the version externpro will release with... completed with commits to dev branch referenced above
We build cmake on linux (as part of externpro) and use a downloaded version for Windows. We build on linux so we can match the version we use on Windows, because it's generally very tricky to get an exact version on linux with different distributions, etc.
I know of a few cmake warnings when using a newer version of cmake (greater than our current 3.12) generated by externpro cmake code... given a little time I'm sure I could fix these warnings while also producing a linux build of the version of cmake we decide on.
Once we have an installer for our supported platforms, one hurdle has always been to get it installed in all the locations where we need to build. We will need system admin support to get this done.
Here are some closed externpro issues where we tracked updating to cmake 3.12 (and discussed the possibility of moving to 3.12.2) in quarter 3 of 2018. There were a few bumps along the way, so it's not always a slam dunk.