smaranjitghose / ArtCV

Randomly Exploring Computer Vision techniques to create eye catching art out of plain boring images!
MIT License
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Build a CLI #64

Closed roysti10 closed 3 years ago

roysti10 commented 3 years ago

related to #63

Instead of having each effect to be run seperately, It would be better if it was run in a single command line interface


  1. A cli tool in the format artcv effect <effect-name> --file <image file name> --output <output file location>
  2. I would also like to add a feature to add a option for folder of images , in which all the images in the folder are shown to the effect
  3. Remove args in all effects and run it in the main,py file itself to avoid confusion in arguments
  4. Folder structure
    │   LICENSE    
    │   requrements.txt 
    │   │   effects
    │              └───
    │   │              |
    │   │              | and so on...
    │   │
    │   |

    This folder structure makes it clean and easier to apply tools like black, flake8 or write tests, I was also contemplating on how to sort the effects since there are a lot

If this is fine with you, I would like to get started