smarlhens / github-filter-npm-repos-to-empower

MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #2

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/cache v3` - `actions/setup-node v3`
.github/workflows/codeql.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `github/codeql-action v2` - `github/codeql-action v2` - `github/codeql-action v2`
.github/workflows/events.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/cache v3` - `actions/setup-node v3`
.github/workflows/pr.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/cache v3` - `actions/setup-node v3`
.github/workflows/remove-unused-forked-repos.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/cache v3` - `actions/setup-node v3`
.github/workflows/repos.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/cache v3` - `actions/setup-node v3`
package.json - `@actions/core 1.10.0` - `@octokit/rest 19.0.7` - `@smarlhens/npm-check-engines 0.12.0` - `@smarlhens/npm-pin-dependencies 0.7.0` - `@supabase/supabase-js 2.10.0` - `detect-indent 7.0.1` - `detect-newline 4.0.0` - `dotenv 16.0.3` - `editorconfig 1.0.2` - `handlebars 4.7.7` - `lodash-es 4.17.21` - `minimist 1.2.8` - `probot 12.3.0` - `smee-client 1.2.3` - `sort-package-json 2.4.1` - `@commitlint/cli 17.4.4` - `@commitlint/config-conventional 17.4.4` - `@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports 4.1.1` - `@types/lodash-es 4.17.6` - `@types/minimist 1.2.2` - `@types/node 18.14.6` - `husky 8.0.3` - `lint-staged 13.1.2` - `prettier 2.8.4` - `ts-node 10.9.1` - `tslib 2.5.0` - `typescript 4.9.5` - `node ^16.17.0 || ^18.0.0` - `npm >=8.0.0`