smarr / ReBenchDB

ReBenchDB records benchmark results and provides customizable reporting to track and analyze run-time performance of software programs.
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Use uPlot also for timeline and for the result view of projects #111

Closed smarr closed 2 years ago

smarr commented 2 years ago

The main motivation of this change is to improve the performance of the timeline view. Since there are hundreds of timelines, Plotly.js ends up being very slow. Because it uses SVG, it takes much more resources than uPlot, which renders directly on the canvas, and which we used already in the comparison view.

The other goal was the bring the different ways of requesting "over time" data closer together. There are:

The code now uses mostly the same data format, except for the result view, where we avoid transferring arrays filled with nulls and indexes to minimize the data transfer.

Minor Features

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