smarr / ReBenchDB

ReBenchDB records benchmark results and provides customizable reporting to track and analyze run-time performance of software programs.
MIT License
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Redesign user-visible URLs #112

Closed smarr closed 2 years ago

smarr commented 2 years ago

The PR resolves #107.

Inspired by GitHub and GitLab, the new URL structure is:

The old URLs remain supported, since people have access to them on various archives/Slack instances, but the redirect to the new ones.

Code Changes

This introduces a slug column in the project table, which is a converted version of the name, replacing all non-trivial characters ([^0-9a-zA-Z-]) with a dash -. One may want to relax that in the future...

Slugs are always compared case-insensitively.

If a project isn't found, we show now a proper error.

Much of the client-side rendering is now moved to the server to reduce the number of round-trips.