smarr / ReBenchDB

ReBenchDB records benchmark results and provides customizable reporting to track and analyze run-time performance of software programs.
MIT License
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Add CSV data export directly from Postgres, and add integration test #187

Closed smarr closed 5 months ago

smarr commented 5 months ago

This PR adds support to directly export data from Postgres, which avoids Node.js memory limitations. The data is exported as standard CSV file, and compressed with gzip. Since the data is exported from Postgres, it doesn't need to run through Node.js and JSON conversion first, which enables very large data sets.

To make this work in practice, extra configuration may be necessary when for instance Postgres runs in a container. Generally, it's assume that all data files end up in the same folder.

For this purpose, there are two new environment variables:

This is now tested on github with a basic end-to-end test.

There are a few other minor commits here: