smarr / ReBenchDB

ReBenchDB records benchmark results and provides customizable reporting to track and analyze run-time performance of software programs.
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Comparison View: Warmup Data Button Broken, Profile Data Button possibly too #194

Open smarr opened 5 months ago

smarr commented 5 months ago

The warmup data button currently gets a 500 error. And the logs look like the database query has not been fixed for #100. Probably tests missing...

The profile data button also doesn't seem to work, but that might be another issue.

smarr commented 5 months ago

The warmup data button was fixed with #195.

The profile data is not yet fixed.

Examples for the issue are for instance on:

Specifically for TruffleSOM-native-interp-ast with awfy-startup and macro-startup. The requests return empty arrays. I think there's some kind of id confusion, like runId not matching going on.

The concrete requests are: