smart-data-lake / sdl-visualization

Visualization for SDLB config
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Implement Custom Node Component for React-Flow #76

Closed zzeekk closed 1 hour ago

zzeekk commented 3 months ago

Implement a Custom Node Component and as a first step put an Icon in the upper-right corner to show the Node Type, e.g. Action or DataObject.

Additional Informations:

Custom Node Example

Pro Example:

API Doc:

Alternative Doc:

Typescript example

SO question:

HX-Tfd commented 3 months ago

Detailled Spec:

Seems much easier with current React.Flow version:

Create a separate NodeType for DataObjects and Actions, display corresponding Icon in upper-left corner. Related to dataflow diagrams, DataObjects should have sharp corners, and Actions conrners with some radius.

Additionally show the type of the Action or DataObject in the upper-right corner. For that take the first character of the type and visualize it similar to the icon in the upper-left corner.