smart-data-lake / sdl-visualization

Visualization for SDLB config
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature/expandable lineage graph #91

Closed HX-Tfd closed 2 days ago

HX-Tfd commented 2 weeks ago

Implements expandable nodes (#77 ).

Main changes

While the center node can expand/collapse in both directions (forward and backward), its descendants can only be expanded/collapsed on the right resp. bottom; its ancestors can only be expanded/collapsed on the top resp. left.

Minor issues

  1. The expand buttons are displaced towards the center of the objects, but might not be a big issue since the Lineage Tab's redesign changes it.
  2. The LineageTabWithSeparateView and Graphs should be refactored soon.
  3. Currently an extra computeLayout is executed after prepareAndRenderGraph. Can we somehow get rid of it?
zzeekk commented 1 week ago

Looks great!

Some minor points to discuss:

1) I think we have an example of a recursive input here: image

2) When switching Lineage Vvew mode to Action or DataObject or Combined, sometimes i get the following error and the lineage closes: image