smart-facility / cognicity-reports-powertrack

cognicity-reports: NodeJS app - Twitter & GNIP PowerTrack support for the CogniCity framework
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Consider revising invite tweet #4

Open matthewberryman opened 9 years ago

matthewberryman commented 9 years ago

I've seen quite a few people reply that flooding is happening, but without turning on location. In addition I saw one person asking how to turn on location, and since the Twitter pages don't yet have Indonesian translations I replied by linking to Google translate versions of those. Perhaps we could put in our invite tweet a link to some short instructions we write (to go in petajakarta-web?) and perhaps modify wording to stress the importance (in relation to the usefulness to end users) of turning on location.

matthewberryman commented 9 years ago

See also the tweet by @qi42qi on the issue of people viewing (not following) @petajkt and seeing all the invite tweets, in particular her suggestion for consideration.

tomasholderness commented 8 years ago

Thanks @matthewberryman - we'll see what we can do to improve instructions.