smart-fun / TabStacker

Tab Stacker is an Android library that handles Multiple Fragment History (Back Stacks), like it is done on iOS Apps.
Apache License 2.0
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Can I use this library for production project? #7

Open wonsuc opened 7 years ago

wonsuc commented 7 years ago

Actually I'm trying social network app which is completely similar to Instagram.

Instagram has each tabs and each tab has their own fragment stack.

Is this library implements exactly same effect like Instagram structure?

Is this a project like experimental? Or completed project for production?

Is it ongoing project Or most issues are resolved?

smart-fun commented 7 years ago

Hello Jason,

I don't use Instagram very much, but yes TabStacker does the same. For example when you go to the Search tab, click a picture, click a hashtag... and then click back you stay on the same tab and unstack the views. You can give a try to the sample project here:

It is not experimental but ment to be used for production. BUT I use it only on 1 production project, and it is hard to have some feedback from the developers that use the library.

All issues are supposed to be fixed.

Android only supports 1 stack, so my only fear is that someone finds an issue that is too deep to be fixed by the library. For all other problems or questions I am usually reactive.

TabStacker is distributed "as is" (see Licence). I don't know any alternative library so far, if you know / tried one please tell me.

Hope that helps,


smart-fun commented 7 years ago

Hello again,

have you started to use TabStacker? Do you have any feedback on it?



wonsuc commented 7 years ago

I'd love to use this library for production project.

However I wanted to try tab + viewpager and it seems this library is not compatible with viewpager environment. If I find some limitation with using viewpager, I will try to change tab without viewpager mode. And maybe at that time I would try this library.