smartbutnot / flightportal

Project for displaying the details of planes overhead on an Adafruit MatrixPortal and LED matrix
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S3 code? #27

Open StarTrailMeteor opened 2 months ago

StarTrailMeteor commented 2 months ago


I thought this project looked cool so I bought the parts and got to work - but it turns out I bought a new S3 portal and not the M4 this this was coded for.

The lovely people on the Adafruit Discord have tried to help with my issues but I'm starting to think they're way above my paygrade, especially as I've never coded before. I believe the main "issue" is that the way that the S3 connects to wifi is different to the M4. So far I've attempted the code below (please be gentle, I am very new!) but it is constantly disconnecting from my computer and I cannot figure out the reason. If anyone has any thoughts I'd really appreciate it!

import time
import microcontroller
import traceback
from random import randrange
import board
import terminalio
from adafruit_matrixportal.matrixportal import MatrixPortal
from import HttpError
import adafruit_requests as requests
import json

import adafruit_display_text.label
import board
import displayio
import framebufferio
import rgbmatrix
import terminalio
import gc

import busio
from digitalio import DigitalInOut
import neopixel

from microcontroller import watchdog as w
from watchdog import WatchDogMode

w.timeout = 16  # timeout in seconds
w.mode = WatchDogMode.RESET

    w.timeout = 16  # timeout in seconds
    w.mode = WatchDogMode.RESET
except Exception as ex:  # espidf.IDFError: Invalid argument
    traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__)
    time.sleep(3)  # allow time to control-c

FONT = terminalio.FONT

    from import secrets
except ImportError:
    print("Secrets including geo are kept in, please add them there!")

# How often to query fr24 - quick enough to catch a plane flying over, not so often as to cause any issues, hopefully
# Area to search for flights, see secrets file
BOUNDS_BOX = secrets["bounds_box"]

# Colours and timings
# Time in seconds to wait between scrolling one label and the next
# speed plane animation will move - pause time per pixel shift in seconds
# speed text labels will move - pause time per pixel shift in seconds

# URLs
FLIGHT_SEARCH_TAIL = "&faa=1&satellite=1&mlat=1&flarm=1&adsb=1&gnd=0&air=1&vehicles=0&estimated=0&maxage=14400&gliders=0&stats=0&ems=1&limit=1"
# Deprecated URL used to return less JSON than the long details URL, but can give ambiguous results

# Used to get more flight details with a fr24 flight ID from the initial search

# Request headers
rheaders = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0",
    "cache-control": "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0",
    "accept": "application/json",

status_light = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness=0.2)
wifi = adafruit_esp32spi_wifimanager.ESPSPI_WiFiManager(
    esp, secrets, status_light, debug=False, attempts=1

# Top level matrixportal object
matrixportal = MatrixPortal(headers=rheaders, rotation=0, debug=False)

# Some memory shenanigans - the matrixportal doesn't do great at assigning big strings dynamically. So we create a big static array to put the JSON results in each time.
json_size = 14336
json_bytes = bytearray(json_size)

# Little plane to scroll across when we find a flight overhead
planeBmp = displayio.Bitmap(12, 12, 2)
planePalette = displayio.Palette(2)
planePalette[1] = PLANE_COLOUR
planePalette[0] = 0x000000
planeBmp[6, 0] = planeBmp[6, 1] = planeBmp[5, 1] = planeBmp[4, 2] = planeBmp[
    5, 2
] = planeBmp[6, 2] = 1
planeBmp[9, 3] = planeBmp[5, 3] = planeBmp[4, 3] = planeBmp[3, 3] = 1
planeBmp[1, 4] = planeBmp[2, 4] = planeBmp[3, 4] = planeBmp[4, 4] = planeBmp[
    5, 4
] = planeBmp[6, 4] = planeBmp[7, 4] = planeBmp[8, 4] = planeBmp[9, 4] = 1
planeBmp[1, 5] = planeBmp[2, 5] = planeBmp[3, 5] = planeBmp[4, 5] = planeBmp[
    5, 5
] = planeBmp[6, 5] = planeBmp[7, 5] = planeBmp[8, 5] = planeBmp[9, 5] = 1
planeBmp[9, 6] = planeBmp[5, 6] = planeBmp[4, 6] = planeBmp[3, 6] = 1
planeBmp[6, 9] = planeBmp[6, 8] = planeBmp[5, 8] = planeBmp[4, 7] = planeBmp[
    5, 7
] = planeBmp[6, 7] = 1
planeTg = displayio.TileGrid(planeBmp, pixel_shader=planePalette)
planeG = displayio.Group(x=matrixportal.display.width + 12, y=10)

# We can fit three rows of text on a panel, so one label for each. We'll change their text as needed
label1 = adafruit_display_text.label.Label(FONT, color=ROW_ONE_COLOUR, text="")
label1.x = 1
label1.y = 4

label2 = adafruit_display_text.label.Label(FONT, color=ROW_TWO_COLOUR, text="")
label2.x = 1
label2.y = 15

label3 = adafruit_display_text.label.Label(FONT, color=ROW_THREE_COLOUR, text="")
label3.x = 1
label3.y = 25

# text strings to go in the labels
label1_short = ""
label1_long = ""
label2_short = ""
label2_long = ""
label3_short = ""
label3_long = ""

# Add the labels to the display
g = displayio.Group()

# Scroll the plane bitmap right to left (same direction as scrolling text)
def plane_animation():
    for i in range(matrixportal.display.width + 24, -12, -1):
        planeG.x = i
        # matrixportal.display.refresh(minimum_frames_per_second=0)

# Scroll a label, start at the right edge of the screen and go left one pixel at a time
# Until the right edge of the label reaches the left edge of the screen
def scroll(line):
    line.x = matrixportal.display.width
    for i in range(matrixportal.display.width + 1, 0 - line.bounding_box[2], -1):
        line.x = i
        # matrixportal.display.refresh(minimum_frames_per_second=0)

# Populate the labels, then scroll longer versions of the text
def display_flight():
    label1.text = label1_short
    label2.text = label2_short
    label3.text = label3_short

    label1.x = matrixportal.display.width + 1
    label1.text = label1_long
    label1.text = label1_short
    label1.x = 1

    label2.x = matrixportal.display.width + 1
    label2.text = label2_long
    label2.text = label2_short
    label2.x = 1

    label3.x = matrixportal.display.width + 1
    label3.text = label3_long
    label3.text = label3_short
    label3.x = 1

# Blank the display when a flight is no longer found
def clear_flight():
    label1.text = label2.text = label3.text = ""

# Take the flight ID we found with a search, and load details about it
def get_flight_details(fn):

    # the JSON from FR24 is too big for the matrixportal memory to handle. So we load it in chunks into our static array,
    # as far as the big "trails" section of waypoints at the end of it, then ignore most of that part. Should be about 9KB, we have 14K before we run out of room..
    global json_bytes
    global json_size
    byte_counter = 0
    chunk_length = 1024
    success = False

    # zero out any old data in the byte array
    for i in range(0, json_size):
        json_bytes[i] = 0

    # Get the URL response one chunk at a time
        response = requests.get(url=FLIGHT_LONG_DETAILS_HEAD + fn, headers=rheaders)
        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_length):

            # if the chunk will fit in the byte array, add it
            if byte_counter + chunk_length <= json_size:
                for i in range(0, len(chunk)):
                    json_bytes[i + byte_counter] = chunk[i]
                print("Exceeded max string size while parsing JSON")
                return False

            # check if this chunk contains the "trail:" tag which is the last bit we care about
            trail_start = json_bytes.find((b'"trail":'))
            byte_counter += len(chunk)

            # if it does, find the first/most recent of the many trail entries, giving us things like speed and heading
            if not trail_start == -1:
                # work out the location of the first } character after the "trail:" tag, giving us the first entry
                trail_end = json_bytes[trail_start:].find((b"}"))
                if not trail_end == -1:
                    trail_end += trail_start
                    # characters to add to make the whole JSON object valid, since we're cutting off the end
                    closing_bytes = b"}]}"
                    for i in range(0, len(closing_bytes)):
                        json_bytes[trail_end + i] = closing_bytes[i]
                    # zero out the rest
                    for i in range(trail_end + 3, json_size):
                        json_bytes[i] = 0
                    # print(json_bytes.decode('utf-8'))

                    # Stop reading chunks
                    print("Details lookup saved " + str(trail_end) + " bytes.")
                    return True
    # Handle occasional URL fetching errors
    except (RuntimeError, OSError, HttpError) as e:
        return False

    # If we got here we got through all the JSON without finding the right trail entries
    print("Failed to find a valid trail entry in JSON")
    return False

# Look at the byte array that fetch_details saved into and extract any fields we want
def parse_details_json():

    global json_bytes

        # get the JSON from the bytes
        long_json = json.loads(json_bytes)

        # Some available values from the JSON. Put the details URL and a flight ID in your browser and have a look for more.

        flight_number = long_json["identification"]["number"]["default"]
        # print(flight_number)
        flight_callsign = long_json["identification"]["callsign"]
        aircraft_code = long_json["aircraft"]["model"]["code"]
        aircraft_model = long_json["aircraft"]["model"]["text"]
        # aircraft_registration=long_json["aircraft"]["registration"]
        airline_name = long_json["airline"]["name"]
        # airline_short=long_json["airline"]["short"]
        airport_origin_name = long_json["airport"]["origin"]["name"]
        airport_origin_name = airport_origin_name.replace(" Airport", "")
        airport_origin_code = long_json["airport"]["origin"]["code"]["iata"]
        # airport_origin_country=long_json["airport"]["origin"]["position"]["country"]["name"]
        # airport_origin_country_code=long_json["airport"]["origin"]["position"]["country"]["code"]
        # airport_origin_city=long_json["airport"]["origin"]["position"]["region"]["city"]
        # airport_origin_terminal=long_json["airport"]["origin"]["info"]["terminal"]
        airport_destination_name = long_json["airport"]["destination"]["name"]
        airport_destination_name = airport_destination_name.replace(" Airport", "")
        airport_destination_code = long_json["airport"]["destination"]["code"]["iata"]
        # airport_destination_country=long_json["airport"]["destination"]["position"]["country"]["name"]
        # airport_destination_country_code=long_json["airport"]["destination"]["position"]["country"]["code"]
        # airport_destination_city=long_json["airport"]["destination"]["position"]["region"]["city"]
        # airport_destination_terminal=long_json["airport"]["destination"]["info"]["terminal"]
        # time_scheduled_departure=long_json["time"]["scheduled"]["departure"]
        # time_real_departure=long_json["time"]["real"]["departure"]
        # time_scheduled_arrival=long_json["time"]["scheduled"]["arrival"]
        # time_estimated_arrival=long_json["time"]["estimated"]["arrival"]
        # latitude=long_json["trail"][0]["lat"]
        # longitude=long_json["trail"][0]["lng"]
        # altitude=long_json["trail"][0]["alt"]
        # speed=long_json["trail"][0]["spd"]
        # heading=long_json["trail"][0]["hd"]

        if flight_number:
            print("Flight is called " + flight_number)
        elif flight_callsign:
            print("No flight number, callsign is " + flight_callsign)
            print("No number or callsign for this flight.")

        # Set up to 6 of the values above as text for display_flights to put on the screen
        # Short strings get placed on screen, then longer ones scroll over each in sequence

        global label1_short
        global label1_long
        global label2_short
        global label2_long
        global label3_short
        global label3_long

        label1_short = flight_number
        label1_long = airline_name
        label2_short = airport_origin_code + "-" + airport_destination_code
        label2_long = airport_origin_name + "-" + airport_destination_name
        label3_short = aircraft_code
        label3_long = aircraft_model

        if not label1_short:
            label1_short = ""
        if not label1_long:
            label1_long = ""
        if not label2_short:
            label2_short = ""
        if not label2_long:
            label2_long = ""
        if not label3_short:
            label3_short = ""
        if not label3_long:
            label3_long = ""

        # optional filter example - check things and return false if you want

        # if altitude > 10000:
        #    print("Altitude Filter matched so don't display anything")
        #    return False

    except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
        print("JSON error")
        return False

    return True

import wifi
import time

def checkConnection():
    print("Check and reconnect WiFi")
    attempts = 10
    attempt = 1
    while not and attempt < attempts:
        print(f"Connect attempt {attempt} of {attempts}")
        print("Resetting WiFi...")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e.__class__.__name__} - {e}")
        attempt += 1
        time.sleep(2)  # Delay before retry
        print("Successfully connected.")
        print("IP Address: ",
        print("Failed to connect.")

# Call the function

# Look for flights overhead
def get_flights():
    matrixportal.url = FLIGHT_SEARCH_URL
        # response = json.loads(matrixportal.fetch())
        response = requests.get(url=FLIGHT_SEARCH_URL, headers=rheaders).json()
    except (RuntimeError, OSError, HttpError, ValueError, requests.OutOfRetries) as e:
        print(e.__class__.__name__ + "--------------------------------------")
        return False
    if len(response) == 3:
        # print ("Flight found.")
        for flight_id, flight_info in response.items():
            # the JSON has three main fields, we want the one that's a flight ID
            if not (flight_id == "version" or flight_id == "full_count"):
                if len(flight_info) > 13:
                    return flight_id
        return False

# Actual doing of things - loop forever quering fr24, processing any results and waiting to query again


last_flight = ""
while True:

    # checkConnection()


    # print("memory free: " + str(gc.mem_free()))

    # print("Get flights...")
    flight_id = get_flights()

    if flight_id:
        if flight_id == last_flight:
            print("Same flight found, so keep showing it")
            print("New flight " + flight_id + " found, clear display")
            if get_flight_details(flight_id):
                if parse_details_json():
                    print("error parsing JSON, skip displaying this flight")
                print("error loading details, skip displaying this flight")

            last_flight = flight_id
        # print("No flights found, clear display")


    for i in range(0, QUERY_DELAY, +5):

    except Exception as ex:  # espidf.IDFError: Invalid argument
        traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__)
        time.sleep(3)  # allow time to control-c
resmithn commented 2 months ago

You are correct: S3 Wifi is different from M4. There are lines at end of code you posted that are not correct, out of place causing syntax error. What editor are you using? Try MU Editor and use the serial window to review what the code is doing.

resmithn commented 2 months ago

Made some changes to your code and is running on S3 with no disconnects. Please comment if you are still working on this.

StarTrailMeteor commented 2 months ago

Hello! Yes, sorry, I am still working on this! Apologies for not responding sooner, I didn't realise anyone had commented. I am using Mu but the disconnects were so quick that it took me a while to be able to use the serial to check the issue. I didn't even think about putting it in safemode until someone in the Discord advised me! Can I ask what you changed in order to get it working, please? The current error I am getting is:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 454 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

But removing that section of the code leads to the Portal constantly disconnecting, which is why it was added in the first place, so I'm a bit stuck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

resmithn commented 2 months ago

Here is the file [attached] which has the changes and worked for me. No disconnects and did run that way for several hours. I put comments in the code so that you can see what was added/changed in order for it to work. You can make cosmetic changes to the code as far as spacing and what is displayed on the matrix. Any questions, just comment and will try to help.

StarTrailMeteor commented 2 months ago

That is so unbelievably kind of you, thank you! It's amazing how helpful this community has been so far - especially as I'm sure the questions I am asking are very basic!

I've had a quick run of the code, and unfortunately I think I might have messed something up. When I ran it initially I got the error (from Mu) stating:

File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in ImportError: no module named 'neopixel'

So then I thought I'd missed the neopixel library, so I added then and subsequently got:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in File "adafruit_seesaw/", line 25, in ImportError: seesaw neopixel being imported from unexpected location - is seesaw neopixel use intended?

Am I missing something potentially very obvious? I am also still getting some disconnecting but that could potentially have been the cable I'm using (had to borrow one to run the code quickly!).

resmithn commented 2 months ago

Looks like your library folder is out of sync or not complete. Attached is the library list I am using. Also the S3 requires CircuitPython 8.2. also what I have loaded. Here is link to Circuit Python 8.x libraries. This is my library list: [image: Screenshot 2024-09-19 121322.jpg]

On Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 7:04 PM StarTrailMeteor @.***> wrote:

That is so unbelievably kind of you, thank you! It's amazing how helpful this community has been so far - especially as I'm sure the questions I am asking are very basic!

I've had a quick run of the code, and unfortunately I think I might have messed something up. When I ran it initially I got the error (from Mu) stating:

File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in ImportError: no module named 'neopixel'

So then I thought I'd missed the neopixel library, so I added then and subsequently got:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in File "adafruit_seesaw/", line 25, in ImportError: seesaw neopixel being imported from unexpected location - is seesaw neopixel use intended?

Am I missing something potentially very obvious? I am also still getting some disconnecting but that could potentially have been the cable I'm using (had to borrow one to run the code quickly!).

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StarTrailMeteor commented 1 month ago

I can't check the code right now but I just wanted to say thank you again - you've been really helpful and it's very much appreciated. I can't see your screenshot for some reason but I assume the list of libraries isn't much different from the ones used in the original code?

Also thank you for the comments! As frustrating as learning this has been it's also been incredibly fun so I am pretty excited to see what you've changed and why. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to understand it fully!

StarTrailMeteor commented 1 month ago

Okay so I couldn't get your screenshot of the libraries to load, so I had a look around and used the screenshot you shared on another thread.

After adding them all I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 32, in ImportError: no module named 'adafruit_portalbase'

And then when adding the adafruit_portalbase library I get the error:

File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in File "adafruit_seesaw/", line 25, in ImportError: seesaw neopixel being imported from unexpected location - is seesaw neopixel use intended?

I am completely baffled. I'm using 8.2 - I was initially using the most recent release (9.1?) but I changed it on your recommendation. Would love to hear if you (or anyone else!) have any thoughts!

resmithn commented 1 month ago

Please delete the folders and files in your "lib" folder [ on the board drive] and reload from the link I sent you, for circuitpython bundle 8.x. These errors indicate the lib [on the board drive] files/folder are not in sync.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 4:50 PM StarTrailMeteor @.***> wrote:

Okay so I couldn't get your screenshot of the libraries to load, so I had a look around and used the screenshot you shared on another thread.

After adding them all I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 32, in ImportError: no module named 'adafruit_portalbase'

And then when adding the adafruit_portalbase library I get the error:

File "", line 8, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 33, in File "adafruit_matrixportal/", line 31, in File "adafruit_seesaw/", line 25, in ImportError: seesaw neopixel being imported from unexpected location - is seesaw neopixel use intended?

I am completely baffled. I'm using 8.2 - I was initially using the most recent release (9.1?) but I changed it on your recommendation. Would love to hear if you (or anyone else!) have any thoughts!

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StarTrailMeteor commented 1 month ago

I did - those are the libraries I am currently using that are causing the errors, unfortunately. Are you using the same library list in the screenshot from the need help thread? Maybe I've added something I shouldn't?

resmithn commented 1 month ago

When the M4 code was modified to run on an S3 I was using a 32x64 display and it worked fine. I still don't understand why you are seeing errors, there has to be something amiss with your library(s). Then I realized you are using a 64x64 display. Does not matter, code should still run, but the display won't be correct. The 64x64 uses 5-address multiplexing system - 32x64 uses 4-addresses. This means the code for 64x64 requires logic for the 5 addresses, but is not needed for 32x64. Take a look at the Word Clock code in the link below. It runs on S3 with a 64x64 display. You may want to try it and see if it works on your setup. RGB Matrix Word Clocks | Adafruit Playground

In order to run the S3 with a 64x64 display the modified flight code would need the additional address logic for the display to look correct. I ran the Flight Code on a 64x64 display this morning and you can see the gap for the second line.

[image: FlightRadar_64x64.jpg] This means the Matrix display object [in the file] is missing the address info. One can probably modify the S3 code with address info, but at this point I'm not sure how to do that. Will not be easy. I also attached a zip.file with the [named] and the [lib]rary folder. This is the code I ran this morning that is showing the flight data in the picture above. I would recommend that you obtain a 32x64 display and use the native code from the Github project [or the S3].

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 6:08 PM StarTrailMeteor @.***> wrote:

I did - those are the libraries I am currently using that are causing the errors, unfortunately. Are you using the same library list in the screenshot from the need help thread? Maybe I've added something I shouldn't?

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resmithn commented 1 month ago

Zip File and 64x64 Image FlightRadar_64x64

StarTrailMeteor commented 1 month ago

So, I didn't think it was an issue with the size of the display because I am currently using a 64x32, so I went back and re-did all my libraries according to the file you provided and this time it worked! For literally the first time since I started I saw something on the display, which is amazing. The only issue is - the text/images don't seem to be right. Everything is displaying as it should be (as far as I can tell) but the text pixels seems to have big gaps and it seems overlaid on top of each other. I thought it was an issue with the font or size, but I think some of the banners are actually running over each other as well. Specifically the "Flight Radar for" one, I think. I'm not sure why this is happening because the clear display is working. Maybe it's the timing?

resmithn commented 1 month ago

Let's take this issue off the Github thread. Will try to help you get things resolved. My email is resmithn at We can talk tomorrow. Thanks.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 5:07 PM StarTrailMeteor @.***> wrote:

So, I didn't think it was an issue with the size of the display because I am currently using a 64x32, so I went back and re-did all my libraries according to the file you provided and this time it worked! For literally the first time since I started I saw something on the display, which is amazing. The only issue is - the text/images don't seem to be right. Everything is displaying as it should be (as far as I can tell) but the text pixels seems to have big gaps and it seems overlaid on top of each other. I thought it was an issue with the font or size, but I think some of the banners are actually running over each other as well. Specifically the "Flight Radar for" one, I think. I'm not sure why this is happening because the clear display is working. Maybe it's the timing?

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resmithn commented 1 month ago

Still not clear on which display you are using. Your original post said 64x64, last post you said 64x32. All indication is that you are using 64x64 based on the gaps and overlaid pixels you are seeing. I explained in post before that 64x64 will not work with the code you have because of the 64x64 addressing, which is not there. The code you have will work with a 32x64 display. Please send me an email [address in last post] if you want to comment further.