smartcar / node-sdk

Smartcar Node.js SDK
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Is battery percentRemaining field mis-named? #158

Open anentropic opened 1 year ago

anentropic commented 1 year ago

When I make a Vehicle.battery() call I get a result like:

  range: 156,
  percentRemaining: 0.75,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2023-01-25T17:04:35.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'metric',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

If I only had 0.75% of battery remaining then it's almost completely empty and I wouldn't expect to have 156km range.

Am I correct in assuming that this value is a proportion rather than a percentage?

i.e. I should interpret this response as meaning 75% remaining?

(similarly the example in the docs shows 0.3 "percentRemaining" and still a range of 40.5 miles)