smartcommunitylab / sco.streetcleaning

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Disclaimer #2

Open zaccog opened 6 years ago

zaccog commented 6 years ago

Add a disclaimer somewhere rejecting any liability for possible issues caused by the app.

zaccog commented 6 years ago

The disclaimer goes like this:

IT Le informazioni contenute nella app Trento Pulizia Strade hanno un valore puramente informativo. Tali informazioni non dispensano i cittadini dal verificare e rispettare la segnaletica stradale posizionata contestualmente al periodo in cui viene effettuata la pulizia delle strade.

EN The information contained in the Trento Street Cleaning app is of purely informative value. Such information does not dispense citizens from verifying and observing road signs placed at the same time as the road cleaning period is performed.

zaccog commented 6 years ago

It must be implemented as a popup appearing when opening the app. The popup shows the text in the comment above and the buttons "Cancel/Cancella" and "Ok, I got it/Ok, ho capito". The popup appears as long as the user does not press the button "Ok, ..."

nawaz2013 commented 6 years ago

One thing which is bit unclear.

If the user choses 'Cancel', the popup should disappear and user can use the app. However, next time the user open the app, the popup must appear and so on.. until user click "Ok, i got it".

Is this the expected behaviour?

nawaz2013 commented 6 years ago

Also please specify the version number and version code.