smartcontractkit / chainlink

node of the decentralized oracle network, bridging on and off-chain computation
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[SMRT] SubscriptionId in VRF and Automations #13099

Open ArshilHapani opened 2 months ago

ArshilHapani commented 2 months ago

In VRF and Automations contract there is one parameter subscriptionId in requestRandomWords of VRFCoordinatorV2Interface interface and addConsumer function from VRFCoordinatorV2Mock interface. The issue is that the type of subscriptionId is uint64 but the id provided by chainlink site is way to big e.g. 15356376269897563744780985323350096414521302577903754215356556594835422566595 Something like this which leads to error

   TypeError: value out-of-bounds (argument="_subId", value="15366376269897563744780985323350096414521302377970374217356556294839422166091", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=6.12.0)
      at makeError (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/utils/errors.ts:687:21)
      at assert (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/utils/errors.ts:715:25)
      at assertArgument (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/utils/errors.ts:727:5)
      at NumberCoder._throwError (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/coders/abstract-coder.ts:350:23)
      at NumberCoder.encode (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/coders/number.ts:47:18)
      at /home/arshli-hapani/arshil/Future Span/Practice Span/web3/hardhat_smart_contract_lottery/hardhat_lottery_contracts/node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/coders/array.ts:64:19
      at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
      at pack (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/coders/array.ts:47:12)
      at TupleCoder.encode (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/coders/tuple.ts:62:20)
      at AbiCoder.encode (node_modules/ethers/src.ts/abi/abi-coder.ts:195:15)


  "devDependencies": {
    "@chainlink/contracts": "^1.1.0",
    "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox": "^5.0.0"
Varadiell commented 1 month ago

Hello, i'm having this issue too! :) The subId key provided by ChainLink is way too long, as explained by @ArshilHapani Example here

psyfluid commented 1 month ago

As far as I understand, you can now only get a subscription ID for VRF v2.5. There is a guide on how to migrate from v2:

But there is no mock interface for v2.5 (or I couldn’t find it). So now you have two options:

  1. for the real interface and testnet/mainnet use v2.5 with your subscription ID, and for the local chain use v2 code and a random subscription ID in uint64.
  2. or write your own mock for v2.5.

I think option 1 is easier.

Varadiell commented 1 month ago

Hi again, I just got an advice from someone, and I managed to create a version 2.0 subscription that has a usable subId with this contract here! Once you use the "createSubscription", you can check here that your v2.0 subscription has been created.

AayushOjha commented 1 month ago

Chainlink documentation is now updated and they have included a example which works with v2.5 and subId of uint256.\