I created a directrequest job to fetch information from my external adapters. When I added 4 bridges to the job Spec, it took quite a while for the UI to render the job's graph. Later, when I added 3 more bridges, it stopped working at all, making it impossible to create the job through the UI.
Basic Information
The page http://localhost:6688/jobs/new keeps loading indefinitely. I asked for help of a professional node operator and he got the same result.
Steps to Reproduce
Copy and paste this job in your job Spec:
type = "directrequest"
schemaVersion = 1
name = "GetWinners"
externalJobID = "1"
maxTaskDuration = "0s"
contractAddress = "0x4675f0364D6C41C8f960f7A5DbF768cd3A09643E"
minIncomingConfirmations = 0
minContractPaymentLinkJuels = "0"
observationSource = """
decode_log [
abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)"
Description I created a directrequest job to fetch information from my external adapters. When I added 4 bridges to the job Spec, it took quite a while for the UI to render the job's graph. Later, when I added 3 more bridges, it stopped working at all, making it impossible to create the job through the UI.
Basic Information The page
keeps loading indefinitely. I asked for help of a professional node operator and he got the same result.Steps to Reproduce Copy and paste this job in your job Spec: type = "directrequest" schemaVersion = 1 name = "GetWinners" externalJobID = "1" maxTaskDuration = "0s" contractAddress = "0x4675f0364D6C41C8f960f7A5DbF768cd3A09643E" minIncomingConfirmations = 0 minContractPaymentLinkJuels = "0" observationSource = """ decode_log [ type=ethabidecodelog abi="OracleRequest(bytes32 indexed specId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data)" data="$(jobRun.logData)" topics="$(jobRun.logTopics)" ]
fetch1 -> winner_parse11 fetch1 -> winner_parse12 fetch1 -> winner_parse13
fetch2 -> winner_parse21 fetch2 -> winner_parse22 fetch2 -> winner_parse23
fetch3 -> winner_parse31 fetch3 -> winner_parse32 fetch3 -> winner_parse33
fetch4 -> winner_parse41 fetch4 -> winner_parse42 fetch4 -> winner_parse43
fetch5 -> winner_parse51 fetch5 -> winner_parse52 fetch5 -> winner_parse53
fetch6 -> winner_parse61 fetch6 -> winner_parse62 fetch6 -> winner_parse63
fetch7 -> winner_parse71 fetch7 -> winner_parse72 fetch7 -> winner_parse73
type=mode values=<[ $(winner_parse11), $(winner_parse21), $(winner_parse31), $(winner_parse41), $(winner_parse51), $(winner_parse61), $(winner_parse71) ]> allowedFaults=1 ]
type=mode values=<[ $(winner_parse12), $(winner_parse22), $(winner_parse32), $(winner_parse42), $(winner_parse52), $(winner_parse62), $(winner_parse72) ]> allowedFaults=1 ]
type=mode values=<[ $(winner_parse13), $(winner_parse23), $(winner_parse33), $(winner_parse43), $(winner_parse53), $(winner_parse63), $(winner_parse73) ]> allowedFaults=1 ]
encode_mwr [ type="ethabiencode" abi="(bytes32 requestId, uint256[] _winner, uint256[] _winner2, uint256[] _winner3)" data="{\"requestId\": $(decode_log.requestId), \"_winner\": $(winner_mode1.results), \"_winner2\": $(winner_mode2.results), \"_winner3\": $(winner_mode3.results)}" ] winner_mode1 -> encode_mwr winner_mode2 -> encode_mwr winner_mode3 -> encode_mwr
encode_tx [ type="ethabiencode" abi="fulfillOracleRequest2(bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddress, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 expiration, bytes calldata data)" data="{\"requestId\": $(decode_log.requestId), \"payment\": $(decode_log.payment), \"callbackAddress\": $(decode_log.callbackAddr), \"callbackFunctionId\": $(decode_log.callbackFunctionId), \"expiration\": $(decode_log.cancelExpiration), \"data\": $(encode_mwr)}" ]
Additional Information [replace this line with any additional information you would like to provide, such as screenshots illustrating the issue]