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Absence of AggregatorV3Interface #6648

Open Kris291099 opened 3 weeks ago

Kris291099 commented 3 weeks ago


Lesson 6

Could you please leave a link to the timestamp in the video where this error occurs? (You can right click a video and "copy video URL at current time")

No response

Operating System


Describe the bug

Hello, I recently tried to import @chainlink/contracts for Hardhat fund me contract, however, I seen that in node-modules/chainlink/contracts, there was no AggregatorV3Interface.sol file. Could anyone update me why the developers deleted it. and What I should do now?

premrawat9873 commented 3 weeks ago

import {AggregatorV3Interface} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/shared/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol"; here is the path you can use it in your code and here is the link

Kris291099 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks. I am working on new project, if you could help, please do. please check these repositories frontend: backend:

Task You can see 2 repos, frontend and backend.

MrGbengaAdams commented 1 week ago

hey @Kris291099 i have tried to load the frontend and back end links you dropped but it returns a 404 error

Kris291099 commented 5 days ago

@MrGbengaAdams Hi, check this one: