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Project: Create A Notable Works Bounty Program #45

Open eleventh19 opened 3 years ago

eleventh19 commented 3 years ago

Project Description

One of the content types here at SCRF is Notable Works, which are lists of key readings in each category area to orient researchers to notable works and previous research. You can see the Notable Works that are published here.

SCRF will also have the capacity to use the bounty program to surface talent that could add to the team’s collective intelligence. While the bounty program is a temporary assignment, the talent pool that is accumulated through this project could prove to be a valuable resource for SCRF concerning finding talent on the quality level desired by the forum.

Work Plan


General Tips

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ghettodev commented 3 years ago

Getting close to a final draft. still need to re-write all the notable works posts as links to github pages so we can accept PRs.

Also revising so we can have one long-lived bounty for all notable works categories.

zubepaul commented 3 years ago

Connecting @ericjaurena

ghettodev commented 3 years ago

Collaborative bounties are now paywalled at Gitcoin. This is on hold until we evaluate our options.

ghettodev commented 3 years ago

Updated docs and pages here:

eleventh19 commented 3 years ago

Rich has meetings related to finding better tooling to streamline this. need to review the manual process in the meantime

eleventh19 commented 3 years ago

came up in a call with @zubepaul and a new community member - there should be a more specific definition of what notable works are to clearly articulate that it shouldn't be super 101 material nor should it be such in the weeds research that only PhD level folks can understand it. need to clarify it's somewhere in the middle

eleventh19 commented 3 years ago

I need to review who has completed bounties since this has gone up and make sure they get paid in September.

jamesmcgirk commented 2 years ago

Jerry just submitted some, Lucy has submitted some, Jean -- I'll get you some links later this week

eleventh19 commented 2 years ago

get Victoria caught up to have her support as a PM

vsterling commented 2 years ago

Currently outlining and developing the Notable Works process:

vsterling commented 2 years ago

Created a draft Notable Works submission form that can aggregate all user suggestions and gather key information, such as SCRF usernames and Wallet IDs, for processing bounties. Suggestions welcome @eleventh19

vsterling commented 2 years ago

Updated the Notable Works Process doc with a fuller project picture. The process is broken down into three primary stages: User Suggestion, Review Process, and Bounty Transaction.

eleventh19 commented 2 years ago

meeting from today got rescheduled to next week to review the updated process and figure out next steps

vsterling commented 2 years ago

Created a separate issue for streamlining the Notable Works content process overall (Issue smartcontractresearchforum/research_team#204). Organization and consistency needed before the bounty program can be implemented.

eleventh19 commented 2 years ago

We are blocked by not having any relevant bounty system to use, though there might be some new options worth exploring. Will discuss with @ghettodev

eleventh19 commented 2 years ago

Still no movement in terms of the bounty platform. Figuring out what we might be able to use for this. @ghettodev let me know if any ideas come to mind

eleventh19 commented 2 years ago

We are going to have a meeting in 10 days to start planning on this front again