Open slashafk opened 9 years ago
You can call your own packages with this cart.
I am going to assume your project structure is something like folder/ -- .openshift/ -- .git -- .godir -- bin/ -- src/extrafolder(s)/ ---- app.go ---- packagefolder/ ------ packagename.go ---- public/ ---- views/
All you have to do is move the .openshift, .git and .godir into your src/extrafolder(s) folder and git push from your src/extrafolder(s) location.
Good luck
EDIT: formatting
ok thanks
im seriously lost with this. not sure what to put in the .godir etc.
I have a project with the following configuration : / web.go -> with import "mylib/mypackage" src/mylib/package
Whatever the configuration i put in .godir or .gopath (mylib or ./mylib, ...) the compilation fail because of "unrecognized import path"
I really don't understand the way you copy the files before the compilation ...
I build successufly my project on my computer, and everything is fine, but Openshift doesn't support the conventionnal GOPATH stuff apparently :/.
How can I call my own package on openshift ? Is there a magic trick ? or we have to put the stuff on github so it's downloaded whit the go get ? (That lib contains some configuration and DB password so ...).