smartherd / GloboFly-Retrofit-Demo

Get your app online and interact with web services using Retrofit
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E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout #2

Open Morons opened 5 years ago

Morons commented 5 years ago

Running the code after folowing the The Video series up to the fist run of the application after getting data via retrofit2 yields E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout in the Run log and no list is displayed! I will try and use this later branch to rectify as I redid this 2x from scratch I have confirmation on my Emulator the data is accesable in a browser image

diptoroy commented 4 years ago

I am facing same problem. Any solution?

ijashuzain commented 3 years ago

i am also facing same problem, any solution for it ?