smarthomeNG / smarthome

Device integration platform for your smart home
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Module Websocket sending updates for items not monitored #468

Closed Foxi352 closed 1 year ago

Foxi352 commented 2 years ago

It seems that the websocket module sends updates to clients not monitoring the item. In this example I only register for 1 item "EG.Buero.Praesenz" but i also receive updates from Buderus items which are requested on another SmartVISU device.

What i find strange in SHNG log is @2022-02-05 18:11:29 where it says "Send update to Client" but then sends to both IP's.

Relevant log part from Homebridge. You can see i only register for one item but receive others.

[2/5/2022, 6:10:32 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS open
[2/5/2022, 6:10:32 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"proto","ver":4}
[2/5/2022, 6:10:32 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"identity","sw":"homebridge-smarthomeng","ver":"2.0"}
[2/5/2022, 6:10:32 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"monitor","items":["EG.Buero.Praesenz"]}

[2/5/2022, 6:10:32 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "proto", "ver": 4, "server": "module.websocket", "time": "2022-02-05T18:10:32.145857"}
[2/5/2022, 6:11:24 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "item", "items": [["EG.Buero.Praesenz", false]]}
[2/5/2022, 6:11:29 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}

Relevant log from SmartHomeNG:

2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server USER added: ('', 63676) - local port: 2424  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Connected USERS: 2  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server - user: ('', 49857)   path: /    secure: True  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server - user: ('', 63676)   path: /    secure: False  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client started  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4}'  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4, 'server': 'module.websocket', 'time': '2022-02-05T18:10:32.145857'}'   -   to ('', 63676)  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'identity', 'sw': 'homebridge-smarthomeng', 'ver': '2.0'}'  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client identified as 'homebridge-smarthomeng 2.0' in Browser ' '  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'monitor', 'items': ['EG.Buero.Praesenz']}'  --  (
2022-02-05 18:10:32 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Praesenz  --  (

2022-02-05 18:11:24 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item EG.Buero.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:24 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["EG.Buero.Praesenz", false]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}'   -   to  --  (
msinn commented 2 years ago

Since only snippits of the log are included in this issue, I can't see if it is an issue or requested behavior.

Foxi352 commented 2 years ago

Tell me what else you need and i will provide it. But IMHO everything relevant showing the problem is present.

From the Homebridge log you see that i register for proto 4, i identify myself and i request monitoring only for item "EG.Buero.Praesenz" -> WS: sending: {"cmd":"monitor","items":["EG.Buero.Praesenz"]}

In the SHNG log you see my connection, the server identification and the monitoring confirmation: sent '{'cmd': 'monitor', 'items': ['EG.Buero.Praesenz']} and Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Praesenz

At 18:11:24 you see that SHNG correctly sends an update for EG.Buero.Praesenz to (Homebridge).

But at 18:11:29 you see the Problem: SHNG wants to send an update for a Buderus item to my iPad SmartVISU which would be correct -> Send update to Client But the it sends it to two IP addresses which correspond to my two clients.

2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-05 18:11:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}'   -   to  --  (

I think that even if i did a mistake and registered the item from the two clients, there should still be 4 lines in SHNG log. And not 1 single "Send update to client xxxx" and then two "MONIT" lines to two different IP's ?

1. Send update to Client MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}' - to

  1. Send update to Client MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur", 37.2]]}' - to

msinn commented 2 years ago

I still need the complete log (regarding modules.websocket...) since the start of shng.

Foxi352 commented 2 years ago

As requested a full log from start to stop. Here the exact steps i did to produce the below log:

Homebridge only contains (and thus registers for monitoring) two items:

As you can see on the last couple of lines SHNG sends updates only monitored by to all IP's

For what it's worth you see the HomeBridge log attached at the end of this post. There you can also see the entire Websocket communication. And you can see the "unwanted" monitoring items coming in. As a workaround i now simply ignore items i did not actively ask for monitoring.

2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET DEBUG    __init__          Main         Module 'websocket': Initializing  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET DEBUG    __init__          Main         Module 'websocket': Parameters = '{'enabled': True, 'ip': '', 'port': 2424, 'tls_port': 2425, 'use_tls': True, 'tls_cert': 'shng.cer', 'tls_key': 'shng.key'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         ip         :  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         port       : 2424  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         tls_port   : 2425  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         use_tls    : True  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         tls_cert   : shng.cer  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         tls_key    : shng.key  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:19 CET INFO     __init__          Main         set_smartvisu_support: Set to protocol_enabled=True, default_acl=ro, query_definitions=False, series_updatecycle=0  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:20 CET INFO     __init__          Main         Starting websocket server(s)...  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Websocket server started  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Secure websocket server started  --  (
2022-02-13 15:08:29 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server update_all_series: Started  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server USER added: ('', 63218) - local port: 2425  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Connected USERS: 1  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server - user: ('', 63218)   path: /    secure: True  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client started  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4, 'server': 'module.websocket', 'time': '2022-02-13T15:09:39.946551'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'identity', 'sw': 'smartVISU', 'ver': 'v3.2.a', 'browser': 'Safari', 'bver': '15'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client identified as 'smartVISU v3.2.a' in Browser 'Safari 15'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'monitor', 'items': ['EG.Kueche.Licht', 'EG.Kueche.Temperatur', 'EG.Esszimmer.Temperatur', 'EG.Kueche.Tuer', 'EG.Esszimmer.Fenster', 'EG.Kueche.Praesenz', 'EG.Esszimmer.Praesenz', 'EG.Stube.Luester', 'EG.Stube.Temperatur', 'EG.Stube.Praesenz', 'EG.Buero.Deckenspots.Serge', 'EG.Buero.Temperatur', 'EG.Buero.Praesenz', 'EG.Buero.Fenster', 'EG.Terasse.Licht', 'EG.Terasse.Steckdose', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur', 'OG.Bad.Fenster', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur.StellgroesseHTH', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZSS.Licht', 'OG.SZSS.Temperatur', 'OG.SZSS.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZNicolas.Licht', 'OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur', 'OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZPatrick.Licht', 'OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur', 'OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'KG.Atelier.Temperatur', 'KG.Atelier.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'KG.Heizungsraum.Temperatur']}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Kueche.Licht  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Kueche.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Esszimmer.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Kueche.Tuer  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Esszimmer.Fenster  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Kueche.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Esszimmer.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Stube.Luester  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Stube.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Stube.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Deckenspots.Serge  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Fenster  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Terasse.Licht  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Terasse.Steckdose  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.Bad.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.Bad.Fenster  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.Bad.Temperatur.StellgroesseHTH  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.Bad.Temperatur.Stellgroesse  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZSS.Licht  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZSS.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZSS.Temperatur.Stellgroesse  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZNicolas.Licht  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur.Stellgroesse  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZPatrick.Licht  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur.Stellgroesse  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item KG.Atelier.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item KG.Atelier.Temperatur.Stellgroesse  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item KG.Heizungsraum.Temperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server json_parse: send to {'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['EG.Kueche.Licht', True], ['EG.Kueche.Temperatur', 21.0], ['EG.Esszimmer.Temperatur', 21.0], ['EG.Kueche.Tuer', True], ['EG.Esszimmer.Fenster', True], ['EG.Kueche.Praesenz', False], ['EG.Esszimmer.Praesenz', False], ['EG.Stube.Luester', False], ['EG.Stube.Temperatur', 21.6], ['EG.Stube.Praesenz', True], ['EG.Buero.Deckenspots.Serge', True], ['EG.Buero.Temperatur', 20.6], ['EG.Buero.Praesenz', True], ['EG.Buero.Fenster', False], ['EG.Terasse.Licht', False], ['EG.Terasse.Steckdose', False], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur', 21.0], ['OG.Bad.Fenster', True], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur.StellgroesseHTH', 100.0], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 100.0], ['OG.SZSS.Licht', False], ['OG.SZSS.Temperatur', 16.8], ['OG.SZSS.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 24], ['OG.SZNicolas.Licht', False], ['OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur', 20.6], ['OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 34.1], ['OG.SZPatrick.Licht', False], ['OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur', 16.8], ['OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 100.0], ['KG.Atelier.Temperatur', 0], ['KG.Atelier.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 0], ['KG.Heizungsraum.Temperatur', 0]]}  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client new monitored items are ['EG.Kueche.Licht', 'EG.Kueche.Temperatur', 'EG.Esszimmer.Temperatur', 'EG.Kueche.Tuer', 'EG.Esszimmer.Fenster', 'EG.Kueche.Praesenz', 'EG.Esszimmer.Praesenz', 'EG.Stube.Luester', 'EG.Stube.Temperatur', 'EG.Stube.Praesenz', 'EG.Buero.Deckenspots.Serge', 'EG.Buero.Temperatur', 'EG.Buero.Praesenz', 'EG.Buero.Fenster', 'EG.Terasse.Licht', 'EG.Terasse.Steckdose', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur', 'OG.Bad.Fenster', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur.StellgroesseHTH', 'OG.Bad.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZSS.Licht', 'OG.SZSS.Temperatur', 'OG.SZSS.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZNicolas.Licht', 'OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur', 'OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'OG.SZPatrick.Licht', 'OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur', 'OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'KG.Atelier.Temperatur', 'KG.Atelier.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 'KG.Heizungsraum.Temperatur']  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:39 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['EG.Kueche.Licht', True], ['EG.Kueche.Temperatur', 21.0], ['EG.Esszimmer.Temperatur', 21.0], ['EG.Kueche.Tuer', True], ['EG.Esszimmer.Fenster', True], ['EG.Kueche.Praesenz', False], ['EG.Esszimmer.Praesenz', False], ['EG.Stube.Luester', False], ['EG.Stube.Temperatur', 21.6], ['EG.Stube.Praesenz', True], ['EG.Buero.Deckenspots.Serge', True], ['EG.Buero.Temperatur', 20.6], ['EG.Buero.Praesenz', True], ['EG.Buero.Fenster', False], ['EG.Terasse.Licht', False], ['EG.Terasse.Steckdose', False], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur', 21.0], ['OG.Bad.Fenster', True], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur.StellgroesseHTH', 100.0], ['OG.Bad.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 100.0], ['OG.SZSS.Licht', False], ['OG.SZSS.Temperatur', 16.8], ['OG.SZSS.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 24], ['OG.SZNicolas.Licht', False], ['OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur', 20.6], ['OG.SZNicolas.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 34.1], ['OG.SZPatrick.Licht', False], ['OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur', 16.8], ['OG.SZPatrick.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 100.0], ['KG.Atelier.Temperatur', 0], ['KG.Atelier.Temperatur.Stellgroesse', 0], ['KG.Heizungsraum.Temperatur', 0]]}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item EG.Buero.Praesenz  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["EG.Buero.Praesenz", false]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'monitor', 'items': ['', '', '', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.flamme', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung', '', 'buderus.warmwasser.istwert', 'buderus.warmwasser.sollwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.pumpe.status', 'buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.betriebsdauer', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.starts', 'buderus.system.aussentemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis1.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 'buderus.heizkreis1.pumpe', 'buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf', 'buderus.heizkreis2.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 'buderus.heizkreis2.pumpe', 'buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_1', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_2', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_3', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_4']}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.flamme  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.warmwasser.istwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.warmwasser.sollwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.pumpe.status  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.betriebsdauer  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.starts  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.system.aussentemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis1.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis1.pumpe  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis2.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis2.pumpe  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item heizung.puffer.temperatur_1  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item heizung.puffer.temperatur_2  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item heizung.puffer.temperatur_3  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item heizung.puffer.temperatur_4  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server json_parse: send to {'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['', 'Buderus'], ['', '04.07.07'], ['', 'ok'], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.flamme', True], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung', 33.7], ['', 1.8], ['buderus.warmwasser.istwert', 56.6], ['buderus.warmwasser.sollwert', 50.0], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.pumpe.status', False], ['buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur', 40.6], ['buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur', 35.5], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.betriebsdauer', 58794120], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.starts', 23179], ['buderus.system.aussentemperatur', 7.0], ['buderus.heizkreis1.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 23.0], ['buderus.heizkreis1.pumpe', True], ['buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur', 53.08], ['buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur', 48.8], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert', 57.4], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert', 57.0], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf', 45.4], ['buderus.heizkreis2.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 23.0], ['buderus.heizkreis2.pumpe', True], ['buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur', 35.1], ['buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur', 32.2], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_1', 29.4], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_2', 37.5], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_3', 51.3], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_4', 57.2]]}  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client new monitored items are ['', '', '', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.flamme', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung', '', 'buderus.warmwasser.istwert', 'buderus.warmwasser.sollwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.pumpe.status', 'buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.betriebsdauer', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.starts', 'buderus.system.aussentemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis1.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 'buderus.heizkreis1.pumpe', 'buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert', 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf', 'buderus.heizkreis2.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 'buderus.heizkreis2.pumpe', 'buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur', 'buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_1', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_2', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_3', 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_4']  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['', 'Buderus'], ['', '04.07.07'], ['', 'ok'], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.flamme', True], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung', 33.7], ['', 1.8], ['buderus.warmwasser.istwert', 56.6], ['buderus.warmwasser.sollwert', 50.0], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.pumpe.status', False], ['buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur', 40.6], ['buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur', 35.5], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.betriebsdauer', 58794120], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.starts', 23179], ['buderus.system.aussentemperatur', 7.0], ['buderus.heizkreis1.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 23.0], ['buderus.heizkreis1.pumpe', True], ['buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur', 53.08], ['buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur', 48.8], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert', 57.4], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert', 57.0], ['buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf', 45.4], ['buderus.heizkreis2.raumtemperatur.maximaler_sollwert', 23.0], ['buderus.heizkreis2.pumpe', True], ['buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur', 35.1], ['buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur', 32.2], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_1', 29.4], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_2', 37.5], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_3', 51.3], ['heizung.puffer.temperatur_4', 57.2]]}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182711, 22.7), (1644719186205, 23.9), (1644719282222, 24.36), (1644719762212, 33.8), (1644720146234, 31.08), (1644720626744, 29.37), (1644721126755, 30.41), (1644721420759, 45.18), (1644721901759, 41.86), (1644722521276, 38.97), (1644722809290, 37.25), (1644723194782, 36.75), (1644723580295, 34.82), (1644724061314, 32.35), (1644724445817, 33.46), (1644724925815, 34.03), (1644725309816, 43.52), (1644725813347, 44.1), (1644726197849, 40.86), (1644726679359, 45.1), (1644727063861, 49.48), (1644727543872, 53.0), (1644728023883, 55.78), (1644728408396, 60.1), (1644728792398, 68.82), (1644729300417, 67.93), (1644729686410, 65.07), (1644730070422, 63.13), (1644730646937, 61.16), (1644730935443, 61.55), (1644731415941, 59.32), (1644731800944, 60.06), (1644732281463, 59.75), (1644732698476, 61.54), (1644733102977, 62.37), (1644733586997, 60.23), (1644734008499, 60.58), (1644734393000, 60.62), (1644734824022, 57.42), (1644735305532, 57.55), (1644735689524, 56.99), (1644736179084, 53.8), (1644736609545, 53.62), (1644736993557, 55.78), (1644737473557, 56.95), (1644737857569, 57.9), (1644738338639, 57.72), (1644738731080, 57.4), (1644739211097, 62.82), (1644739595102, 60.28), (1644740112611, 58.21), (1644740502615, 61.38), (1644740887126, 62.28), (1644741367138, 62.65), (1644741751139, 62.0), (1644742237689, 59.1), (1644742718668, 56.95), (1644743102670, 57.25), (1644743490204, 58.35), (1644743893694, 57.04), (1644744373694, 57.43), (1644744758207, 56.57), (1644745275226, 57.55), (1644745672718, 55.6), (1644746153728, 53.64), (1644746743236, 51.8), (1644746935251, 52.51), (1644747404840, 53.17), (1644747810419, 51.45), (1644748200280, 46.28), (1644748655784, 44.78), (1644749135796, 44.3), (1644749519798, 41.62), (1644750000817, 41.67), (1644750384819, 38.23), (1644750884320, 38.7), (1644751268332, 40.0), (1644751748343, 39.48), (1644752132354, 38.99), (1644752613384, 37.83), (1644752997877, 37.27), (1644753478876, 37.85), (1644753864379, 37.95), (1644754248399, 34.69), (1644754750410, 35.07), (1644755134912, 35.84), (1644755615924, 35.12), (1644756096423, 35.78), (1644756480435, 36.64), (1644756967436, 36.27), (1644757352947, 34.31), (1644757740458, 36.2), (1644758186969, 36.8), (1644758580508, 38.44), (1644759061481, 37.66), (1644759640499, 38.0), (1644759929004, 41.38), (1644760313016, 39.34), (1644760793525, 34.21), (1644761170633, 33.95), (1644761214037, 33.7), (1644761382712, 33.7)], 'sid': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182735, 57.0), (1644719573217, 58.0), (1644721327751, 62.0), (1644724352309, 63.0), (1644732476487, 64.0), (1644735794534, 63.95), (1644741255941, 64.0), (1644741390707, 64.0), (1644741762726, 64.0), (1644742240660, 63.0), (1644742864894, 63.0), (1644746156740, 62.0), (1644747404881, 62.0), (1644748200313, 62.0), (1644750099806, 61.0), (1644752231364, 60.0), (1644754155393, 59.0), (1644757355958, 58.0), (1644760508013, 57.0), (1644760508013, 57.0), (1644761382736, 57.0)], 'sid': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.sollwert|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182744, 57.68), (1644718502190, 58.07), (1644719078208, 58.24), (1644719270204, 57.73), (1644719750214, 57.32), (1644720134237, 57.86), (1644720614748, 58.06), (1644721018748, 58.13), (1644721505258, 60.57), (1644721889771, 61.8), (1644722316772, 62.14), (1644722797283, 62.14), (1644723182784, 62.21), (1644723760795, 62.19), (1644724049296, 62.21), (1644724529807, 62.72), (1644724913816, 62.9), (1644725393827, 61.61), (1644725801341, 63.52), (1644726185850, 63.13), (1644726667360, 62.78), (1644727051853, 62.59), (1644727531873, 62.62), (1644727915875, 62.72), (1644728396398, 63.05), (1644728780389, 62.26), (1644729288401, 63.28), (1644729674423, 63.44), (1644730058423, 63.3), (1644730538922, 63.22), (1644730923443, 63.09), (1644731403962, 63.09), (1644731788946, 62.74), (1644732269466, 63.07), (1644732686467, 64.1), (1644733090989, 63.96), (1644733574999, 64.26), (1644733996490, 64.04), (1644734381003, 64.14), (1644734812023, 64.19), (1644735293534, 64.09), (1644735677525, 63.98), (1644736167035, 64.21), (1644736597558, 63.89), (1644736981559, 63.89), (1644737461559, 63.84), (1644737845571, 64.03), (1644738326581, 63.92), (1644738719083, 63.86), (1644739199092, 63.86), (1644739679111, 64.19), (1644740100612, 64.32), (1644740490617, 63.8), (1644740875138, 63.95), (1644741303108, 63.89), (1644741739161, 63.97), (1644742321668, 63.72), (1644742610662, 63.25), (1644743090672, 63.04), (1644743478185, 63.02), (1644743881695, 63.13), (1644744361707, 62.97), (1644744746218, 63.06), (1644745257227, 62.92), (1644745660721, 63.17), (1644746045231, 62.68), (1644746539250, 61.94), (1644746923253, 61.87), (1644747395262, 61.93), (1644747811346, 62.35), (1644748200301, 62.39), (1644748643777, 61.99), (1644749123798, 62.17), (1644749507809, 61.98), (1644749988815, 61.86), (1644750372811, 61.3), (1644750872323, 60.92), (1644751256354, 60.86), (1644751736344, 61.04), (1644752120356, 60.74), (1644752601366, 60.19), (1644752985869, 60.01), (1644753466877, 59.99), (1644753852390, 60.01), (1644754332409, 59.15), (1644754738441, 58.94), (1644755122914, 59.03), (1644755603925, 58.94), (1644755988437, 58.86), (1644756468437, 58.95), (1644756859448, 59.18), (1644757340958, 58.59), (1644757728460, 57.97), (1644758174971, 57.93), (1644758568473, 57.85), (1644759049493, 57.86), (1644759436485, 57.73), (1644759917004, 57.88), (1644760301016, 57.98), (1644760781527, 57.4), (1644761202039, 57.28), (1644761311145, 57.4), (1644761382745, 57.4)], 'sid': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182766, 45.4), (1644741255951, 45.4), (1644741390717, 45.4), (1644741762736, 45.4), (1644742398823, 45.4), (1644742864906, 45.4), (1644747404893, 45.4), (1644748200323, 45.4), (1644761382767, 45.4)], 'sid': 'buderus.waermeerzeuger.ruecklauf|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_1', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182774, 35.1), (1644718814502, 35.0), (1644720309904, 34.9), (1644722705691, 34.8), (1644724813701, 34.7), (1644726014475, 34.6), (1644728411711, 34.5), (1644729012568, 34.4), (1644731107667, 34.3), (1644732006240, 34.2), (1644732910067, 34.1), (1644733211301, 32.88), (1644734706757, 32.9), (1644735010810, 32.8), (1644735309073, 32.9), (1644736206303, 32.85), (1644736805859, 32.8), (1644738611487, 32.2), (1644738906560, 30.8), (1644739213663, 30.4), (1644741256104, 30.4), (1644741390872, 30.4), (1644741762911, 30.4), (1644742398970, 30.4), (1644742865133, 30.4), (1644745345795, 30.2), (1644745648520, 29.9), (1644746243654, 30.0), (1644746553075, 29.75), (1644747152702, 29.8), (1644747405074, 29.8), (1644747877476, 29.9), (1644748200527, 29.9), (1644752785525, 29.8), (1644753386140, 29.5), (1644753991236, 29.5), (1644754286229, 29.6), (1644755487943, 29.7), (1644755789567, 29.8), (1644756083840, 30.0), (1644756692016, 30.2), (1644756992980, 30.3), (1644757283563, 30.3), (1644757883759, 29.6), (1644758192751, 29.4), (1644758192751, 29.4), (1644761382774, 29.4)], 'sid': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_1|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_2', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182785, 46.3), (1644718514109, 46.4), (1644725714105, 46.3), (1644726016924, 46.4), (1644726320848, 46.3), (1644728415950, 46.25), (1644729016797, 46.2), (1644732610894, 46.1), (1644733215530, 45.24), (1644733815919, 44.8), (1644738314354, 44.55), (1644738912227, 42.9), (1644739217903, 42.25), (1644740415523, 42.3), (1644741017926, 42.4), (1644741390882, 42.4), (1644741762921, 42.4), (1644742398980, 42.4), (1644742865142, 42.4), (1644743848107, 42.5), (1644744156407, 42.4), (1644744447034, 42.5), (1644745349174, 42.3), (1644745652768, 41.7), (1644746247014, 41.4), (1644746557286, 40.89), (1644747156914, 40.3), (1644747405085, 40.21), (1644748200537, 40.2), (1644748892075, 40.3), (1644750392429, 40.4), (1644753389530, 40.0), (1644753995456, 39.5), (1644755189060, 39.15), (1644755793786, 38.8), (1644756087190, 38.5), (1644756696286, 38.2), (1644757286962, 37.96), (1644757887148, 37.4), (1644758487027, 37.3), (1644759393574, 37.4), (1644760887911, 37.5), (1644760887911, 37.5), (1644761382785, 37.5)], 'sid': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_2|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_3', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182795, 61.4), (1644719722348, 61.3), (1644720913600, 61.2), (1644722421137, 61.1), (1644724223266, 61.0), (1644725421918, 60.9), (1644726918973, 60.8), (1644728712624, 60.7), (1644729312431, 60.6), (1644731114418, 60.5), (1644732012407, 60.4), (1644733220732, 60.2), (1644733513023, 59.83), (1644734422284, 59.61), (1644737120612, 59.5), (1644738318574, 59.15), (1644738913340, 57.7), (1644739222125, 57.15), (1644739820437, 57.0), (1644741256124, 57.0), (1644741390891, 57.0), (1644741762931, 57.0), (1644742241165, 56.9), (1644742865151, 56.9), (1644745352564, 56.8), (1644745657007, 56.35), (1644746250414, 56.1), (1644746561507, 55.79), (1644747161132, 55.2), (1644747405096, 55.11), (1644748200549, 55.1), (1644748897315, 55.0), (1644749493989, 55.1), (1644749798163, 55.0), (1644751599482, 54.9), (1644753392930, 54.6), (1644753999696, 54.2), (1644754293030, 54.1), (1644754901038, 54.0), (1644755192449, 53.75), (1644755798020, 53.4), (1644756090580, 53.15), (1644756700576, 52.9), (1644757001409, 52.8), (1644757290352, 52.46), (1644757890528, 51.6), (1644758201212, 51.31), (1644758490394, 51.3), (1644761382795, 51.3)], 'sid': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_3|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_4', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182807, 62.2), (1644719727599, 62.1), (1644721223414, 62.0), (1644722120853, 61.9), (1644723624140, 61.8), (1644725719081, 61.7), (1644726330321, 61.6), (1644727824243, 61.5), (1644729025267, 61.4), (1644730519172, 61.3), (1644731117817, 61.2), (1644732922787, 61.1), (1644734120436, 61.0), (1644735023390, 60.9), (1644736528085, 60.8), (1644738017972, 60.7), (1644738624119, 60.6), (1644738916710, 60.4), (1644739226404, 60.2), (1644740425256, 60.1), (1644741256134, 60.1), (1644741390901, 60.1), (1644741762940, 60.04), (1644742245468, 59.9), (1644742865161, 59.9), (1644743564894, 59.8), (1644744762158, 59.7), (1644745356974, 59.6), (1644745966354, 59.5), (1644746253765, 59.4), (1644746853922, 59.3), (1644747165402, 59.2), (1644747405109, 59.2), (1644748162219, 59.1), (1644748200558, 59.1), (1644749206028, 59.0), (1644749802442, 58.9), (1644750709912, 58.8), (1644751895375, 58.7), (1644752795614, 58.6), (1644753701473, 58.5), (1644754003956, 58.4), (1644754905297, 58.3), (1644755195840, 58.2), (1644755802246, 58.1), (1644756402113, 58.0), (1644756704836, 57.9), (1644757605639, 57.8), (1644757893909, 57.6), (1644758205422, 57.42), (1644759402095, 57.3), (1644759996541, 57.2), (1644759996541, 57.2), (1644761382808, 57.2)], 'sid': 'heizung.puffer.temperatur_4|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182819, 52.92), (1644718559199, 53.12), (1644718847215, 53.3), (1644719327204, 52.47), (1644719807215, 52.48), (1644720191226, 53.81), (1644720575747, 53.89), (1644721075747, 54.21), (1644721465759, 56.13), (1644721850771, 58.12), (1644722374291, 58.76), (1644722854792, 58.79), (1644723239793, 58.86), (1644723625305, 58.75), (1644724010308, 58.44), (1644724490809, 58.54), (1644724874828, 58.67), (1644725354841, 57.52), (1644725762329, 59.11), (1644726242859, 59.24), (1644726628362, 58.87), (1644727108862, 58.42), (1644727492864, 58.37), (1644727972875, 58.49), (1644728357398, 58.63), (1644728837408, 58.57), (1644729249402, 58.84), (1644729635413, 59.53), (1644730115424, 59.61), (1644730499933, 58.93), (1644730980432, 59.14), (1644731364944, 59.19), (1644731845954, 59.0), (1644732230457, 59.03), (1644732744466, 59.62), (1644733147998, 59.91), (1644733532489, 59.91), (1644733957491, 60.06), (1644734438513, 60.08), (1644734869024, 59.96), (1644735253524, 59.83), (1644735836543, 59.23), (1644736125046, 59.82), (1644736558048, 59.7), (1644737038560, 59.53), (1644737806582, 59.68), (1644737903080, 59.59), (1644738287583, 59.59), (1644738776091, 59.17), (1644739160106, 58.98), (1644739640103, 59.61), (1644740061615, 59.79), (1644740643633, 59.58), (1644741124134, 59.56), (1644741390776, 59.56), (1644741762815, 59.53), (1644742186652, 59.43), (1644742859669, 59.08), (1644743147681, 58.92), (1644743650180, 58.92), (1644743938684, 58.98), (1644744418695, 58.93), (1644744899716, 59.0), (1644745621731, 59.05), (1644746294757, 58.68), (1644746499742, 57.9), (1644747356254, 57.79), (1644748028779, 57.86), (1644748200396, 57.9), (1644748700796, 57.51), (1644749084799, 57.42), (1644749564799, 57.56), (1644749949311, 57.45), (1644750525824, 57.06), (1644750833363, 56.88), (1644751313334, 56.6), (1644751793344, 56.72), (1644752273861, 56.56), (1644752562367, 56.17), (1644753042877, 55.97), (1644753427878, 55.95), (1644753909379, 55.81), (1644754507406, 54.88), (1644754795911, 54.71), (1644755179913, 54.57), (1644755564916, 54.62), (1644756045440, 54.54), (1644756429429, 54.53), (1644756916448, 54.67), (1644757301960, 54.45), (1644757785469, 53.97), (1644758234979, 53.82), (1644758625482, 53.66), (1644759106492, 53.63), (1644759589497, 53.09), (1644759877995, 53.33), (1644760358006, 53.64), (1644760742018, 53.11), (1644761061021, 53.08), (1644761382819, 53.08)], 'sid': 'buderus.heizkreis1.vorlauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182840, 46.7), (1644718200147, 46.9), (1644718498022, 46.75), (1644719100296, 46.8), (1644719394178, 45.4), (1644719699100, 44.33), (1644720292285, 46.9), (1644720594588, 47.45), (1644721194014, 48.1), (1644721795549, 49.9), (1644722092035, 51.2), (1644722395857, 52.43), (1644723292482, 52.2), (1644723594810, 52.65), (1644724194536, 51.8), (1644724493322, 52.41), (1644725094264, 51.2), (1644725399162, 48.02), (1644725995914, 49.8), (1644726299252, 52.7), (1644726894474, 50.8), (1644727200415, 52.4), (1644727492340, 51.1), (1644728092808, 51.9), (1644728394881, 49.96), (1644728995638, 52.2), (1644729292071, 52.2), (1644729892328, 53.0), (1644730194701, 52.6), (1644730492213, 52.5), (1644731094078, 52.3), (1644731393182, 52.44), (1644731992137, 52.2), (1644732294411, 52.35), (1644732893088, 52.4), (1644733194551, 52.96), (1644733794887, 52.9), (1644734092323, 52.2), (1644734394584, 53.5), (1644734994030, 51.6), (1644735294733, 53.35), (1644735894500, 53.1), (1644736192803, 53.8), (1644737094612, 53.8), (1644737694488, 53.6), (1644737994082, 53.7), (1644738594598, 53.5), (1644738895099, 52.9), (1644739196926, 52.65), (1644739795337, 53.3), (1644740092152, 53.8), (1644740695043, 53.8), (1644740996034, 53.7), (1644741339806, 53.8), (1644741762828, 53.8), (1644742398892, 53.8), (1644742865013, 53.62), (1644743831288, 53.7), (1644745936295, 53.8), (1644746536267, 53.25), (1644747135893, 52.7), (1644747404975, 52.62), (1644747860496, 52.36), (1644748200406, 52.16), (1644748877032, 52.2), (1644749176496, 52.0), (1644749773002, 52.1), (1644750372442, 52.07), (1644751272759, 51.55), (1644751871716, 51.4), (1644752173039, 51.35), (1644752772055, 51.2), (1644753074357, 50.82), (1644754574393, 50.5), (1644754875858, 50.0), (1644755471164, 49.8), (1644756070195, 49.7), (1644756675186, 49.6), (1644756976222, 49.77), (1644757870308, 49.6), (1644758176013, 49.2), (1644758776229, 49.0), (1644759070392, 48.9), (1644759972871, 47.25), (1644760572919, 48.8), (1644760572919, 48.8), (1644761382840, 48.8)], 'sid': 'buderus.heizkreis1.ruecklauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182854, 35.73), (1644718484191, 35.75), (1644718868203, 36.08), (1644719348223, 35.98), (1644719732216, 34.3), (1644720212251, 35.83), (1644720596747, 34.79), (1644721000741, 34.85), (1644721487258, 37.4), (1644721871781, 38.81), (1644722395281, 39.5), (1644722779284, 40.05), (1644723164786, 40.14), (1644723646807, 40.3), (1644724031296, 39.78), (1644724511815, 38.85), (1644724895827, 39.84), (1644725375827, 38.51), (1644725783341, 39.54), (1644726263839, 39.38), (1644726649363, 38.25), (1644727033853, 38.92), (1644727513875, 39.42), (1644727897876, 38.86), (1644728378397, 39.18), (1644728762390, 39.19), (1644729270410, 39.97), (1644729656423, 40.44), (1644730136431, 40.47), (1644730520923, 40.36), (1644731001442, 40.1), (1644731385943, 40.4), (1644731866953, 40.25), (1644732251465, 40.16), (1644732668468, 40.74), (1644733168987, 41.11), (1644733556990, 41.31), (1644733978492, 41.37), (1644734459502, 41.42), (1644734890024, 41.54), (1644735275524, 41.77), (1644735758524, 39.95), (1644736149047, 39.4), (1644736675545, 39.25), (1644737059567, 39.25), (1644737443571, 39.28), (1644737924570, 39.43), (1644738308622, 39.57), (1644738701095, 41.09), (1644739181094, 40.6), (1644739565105, 40.18), (1644740082644, 40.08), (1644740568635, 40.23), (1644740857159, 40.6), (1644741390823, 40.93), (1644741762858, 41.09), (1644742303670, 40.77), (1644742865053, 40.6), (1644744247700, 40.7), (1644745131221, 40.8), (1644745930734, 40.7), (1644746123731, 40.7), (1644746617251, 40.85), (1644747002262, 40.75), (1644747377264, 40.7), (1644747857263, 40.63), (1644748200440, 40.53), (1644748721787, 40.86), (1644749201786, 40.52), (1644749681796, 40.2), (1644750162806, 39.73), (1644750450820, 39.46), (1644750950331, 39.3), (1644751238335, 39.2), (1644752198345, 39.1), (1644752583367, 38.94), (1644753256873, 38.8), (1644753544876, 38.7), (1644753834379, 38.56), (1644754314399, 38.48), (1644754720411, 38.16), (1644755200903, 38.08), (1644755585924, 38.14), (1644756066426, 37.95), (1644756450437, 37.95), (1644756841449, 37.97), (1644757418946, 37.77), (1644757710450, 37.67), (1644758156971, 37.44), (1644758646471, 37.5), (1644759127491, 37.4), (1644759610521, 37.1), (1644759899006, 36.82), (1644760379017, 36.75), (1644760763528, 36.48), (1644761184031, 35.81), (1644761376035, 35.1), (1644761382854, 35.1)], 'sid': 'buderus.heizkreis2.vorlauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182876, 30.2), (1644718204154, 30.3), (1644718500027, 30.5), (1644719398213, 30.6), (1644720000291, 30.2), (1644720296434, 30.6), (1644720602188, 30.4), (1644721502267, 30.2), (1644722095384, 31.3), (1644722400217, 31.95), (1644723000444, 32.3), (1644723295817, 32.6), (1644723598960, 32.8), (1644725699663, 32.6), (1644726304158, 32.8), (1644726603733, 30.57), (1644727202027, 30.5), (1644727495671, 29.64), (1644728096147, 30.5), (1644728399081, 28.69), (1644728999798, 28.8), (1644729295432, 29.8), (1644729895678, 30.5), (1644730198890, 30.6), (1644730495593, 31.0), (1644731097408, 31.2), (1644731397361, 31.4), (1644732298571, 31.75), (1644732897258, 31.9), (1644733198700, 32.3), (1644733799097, 32.5), (1644734095661, 32.8), (1644734398684, 32.9), (1644734998210, 33.1), (1644735298863, 33.37), (1644736196143, 32.85), (1644736795659, 32.2), (1644737396295, 32.6), (1644737698672, 31.9), (1644737997433, 32.2), (1644738297265, 32.45), (1644738896230, 32.8), (1644739201083, 33.13), (1644740095525, 32.85), (1644740696210, 32.8), (1644741000213, 33.1), (1644741343956, 33.2), (1644741762868, 33.49), (1644742398931, 33.6), (1644742865065, 33.6), (1644743539535, 33.78), (1644744737018, 33.9), (1644745335684, 34.0), (1644745940251, 33.9), (1644746233527, 34.0), (1644746833710, 34.1), (1644747140072, 34.3), (1644747405024, 34.17), (1644747864706, 34.4), (1644748200454, 34.4), (1644748880038, 34.5), (1644749180677, 34.7), (1644749777183, 34.5), (1644750077736, 34.4), (1644750376065, 34.25), (1644750973997, 34.1), (1644751578433, 34.0), (1644752775395, 33.9), (1644753376011, 33.8), (1644753676313, 33.7), (1644754276129, 33.55), (1644754880027, 33.6), (1644755175580, 33.35), (1644755776987, 33.5), (1644756073740, 33.25), (1644756679376, 33.4), (1644756980380, 33.2), (1644757273472, 33.14), (1644757873709, 32.6), (1644758180192, 32.2), (1644758780388, 32.1), (1644759376805, 32.5), (1644759677748, 32.3), (1644760577068, 32.2), (1644760577068, 32.2), (1644761382876, 32.2)], 'sid': 'buderus.heizkreis2.ruecklauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.system.aussentemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '100'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182891, 0.5), (1644718787194, 0.4), (1644719171207, 0.3), (1644719555210, 0.4), (1644720227225, 0.3), (1644720707755, 0.26), (1644721015739, 0.29), (1644721790762, 0.2), (1644722121776, 0.1), (1644723275793, 0.0), (1644724430808, 0.1), (1644725006825, -0.08), (1644726375378, -0.2), (1644728008884, -0.3), (1644728393386, -0.2), (1644729863419, -0.3), (1644730727928, -0.28), (1644731112439, -0.4), (1644732170467, -0.5), (1644732780486, -0.4), (1644734378013, -0.36), (1644734809014, -0.5), (1644735386523, -0.4), (1644735872531, -0.3), (1644736357552, -0.27), (1644736882551, -0.2), (1644737554577, -0.12), (1644737939570, 0.04), (1644738420079, 0.2), (1644738716093, 0.35), (1644739292101, 0.5), (1644739580105, 0.64), (1644740097623, 0.85), (1644740679632, 1.0), (1644740872129, 1.14), (1644741352139, 1.35), (1644741762671, 1.51), (1644742318679, 1.7), (1644742607673, 1.87), (1644743183670, 2.05), (1644743571182, 2.25), (1644744166700, 2.4), (1644744743208, 2.5), (1644745044224, 2.6), (1644745254218, 2.75), (1644745657730, 2.95), (1644746042241, 3.2), (1644746536242, 3.45), (1644746920243, 3.62), (1644747404817, 3.81), (1644747810053, 4.07), (1644748200256, 4.29), (1644748640787, 4.67), (1644749312793, 4.97), (1644749600798, 5.18), (1644749985820, 5.34), (1644750465820, 5.55), (1644750869332, 5.7), (1644751253345, 5.9), (1644751733336, 6.1), (1644752213355, 6.32), (1644752694364, 6.5), (1644752982858, 6.6), (1644753463887, 6.76), (1644754233391, 6.9), (1644754447386, 6.8), (1644754927908, 6.7), (1644757048954, 6.8), (1644757433956, 6.9), (1644758270979, 6.8), (1644758853491, 6.79), (1644759625491, 6.9), (1644760106002, 6.8), (1644760682020, 6.9), (1644761097030, 7.0), (1644761097030, 7.0), (1644761382891, 7.0)], 'sid': 'buderus.system.aussentemperatur|avg|12h|now|100'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.warmwasser.sollwert', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '150'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182905, 50.0), (1644741255990, 50.0), (1644741390757, 50.0), (1644741762785, 50.0), (1644742398862, 50.0), (1644742864963, 50.0), (1644747404941, 50.0), (1644747764452, 50.0), (1644748200374, 50.0), (1644761382905, 50.0)], 'sid': 'buderus.warmwasser.sollwert|avg|12h|now|150'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.warmwasser.istwert', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '150'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182913, 62.2), (1644718715206, 62.08), (1644720539738, 62.0), (1644722145775, 61.88), (1644722530268, 61.8), (1644723877800, 61.68), (1644725510835, 61.6), (1644727264868, 61.48), (1644728801389, 61.4), (1644729309408, 61.28), (1644730559943, 61.2), (1644732194467, 61.08), (1644733595988, 61.0), (1644734736505, 60.88), (1644735992539, 60.8), (1644736381551, 60.68), (1644737386572, 60.6), (1644738740082, 60.48), (1644738932097, 60.34), (1644739124104, 60.14), (1644739508105, 60.0), (1644739892618, 59.88), (1644740703631, 59.8), (1644741255980, 59.8), (1644741390747, 59.74), (1644741762772, 59.68), (1644742398852, 59.61), (1644742864947, 59.6), (1644743614241, 59.48), (1644744671210, 59.4), (1644745068215, 59.28), (1644745777737, 59.2), (1644746354736, 59.08), (1644746752247, 59.0), (1644747137757, 58.88), (1644747608269, 58.8), (1644747764442, 58.8), (1644748200364, 58.8), (1644748376782, 58.68), (1644749336804, 58.6), (1644750393811, 58.48), (1644751469359, 58.4), (1644752526359, 58.28), (1644753487886, 58.2), (1644753969388, 58.08), (1644754065404, 58.0), (1644754855899, 57.88), (1644755528916, 57.8), (1644755817430, 57.68), (1644756297449, 57.6), (1644756784450, 57.48), (1644757361958, 57.4), (1644757653462, 57.28), (1644757845468, 57.2), (1644758096962, 57.02), (1644758781479, 56.81), (1644759745509, 56.68), (1644760706019, 56.6), (1644760706019, 56.6), (1644761382913, 56.6)], 'sid': 'buderus.warmwasser.istwert|avg|12h|now|150'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '150'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182925, 40.1), (1644718188213, 40.0), (1644718488635, 40.1), (1644718787718, 40.0), (1644719088381, 40.1), (1644719387515, 40.2), (1644719687999, 40.1), (1644719988573, 40.0), (1644720285604, 40.1), (1644720886642, 40.2), (1644721185704, 40.3), (1644721486408, 40.2), (1644721787281, 40.6), (1644722085357, 40.7), (1644722387528, 41.0), (1644722685572, 41.3), (1644722987735, 41.7), (1644723285818, 41.8), (1644723586491, 41.9), (1644723885544, 42.1), (1644724186247, 42.2), (1644724486641, 42.1), (1644725087565, 42.2), (1644725388262, 42.4), (1644725688641, 42.5), (1644725987675, 42.4), (1644726288337, 42.8), (1644727786306, 42.9), (1644728086130, 43.0), (1644728386592, 42.8), (1644728685626, 42.9), (1644728987298, 42.8), (1644729587575, 43.0), (1644729885679, 42.9), (1644730186433, 43.1), (1644730485526, 43.2), (1644730786188, 43.1), (1644731086589, 43.2), (1644731385692, 43.1), (1644731689260, 43.4), (1644731985478, 43.1), (1644733186261, 43.3), (1644733486185, 43.5), (1644733786559, 43.3), (1644734085641, 43.4), (1644734386274, 43.5), (1644734686618, 43.6), (1644735585538, 43.7), (1644735886221, 43.8), (1644736186145, 43.6), (1644736785640, 43.8), (1644737386266, 43.6), (1644739188644, 43.7), (1644739485727, 43.6), (1644739786910, 43.7), (1644740085503, 43.5), (1644740386257, 43.7), (1644740987735, 43.8), (1644741255961, 43.71), (1644741390727, 43.6), (1644741756489, 43.76), (1644742212527, 43.6), (1644742398833, 43.6), (1644742764188, 43.7), (1644742864919, 43.7), (1644743225692, 43.5), (1644743523706, 43.6), (1644743824429, 43.4), (1644744125427, 43.5), (1644744423527, 43.6), (1644744724258, 43.4), (1644745024572, 43.2), (1644745326465, 43.3), (1644745623558, 43.4), (1644746823621, 43.1), (1644747124283, 42.9), (1644747468336, 43.1), (1644747748838, 42.87), (1644748128395, 43.1), (1644748867614, 42.9), (1644749164706, 43.0), (1644749764553, 42.9), (1644750065235, 42.8), (1644750365759, 42.7), (1644750672103, 42.8), (1644750963646, 42.7), (1644751264380, 42.4), (1644752164531, 42.3), (1644752764365, 42.2), (1644753063448, 42.1), (1644753364151, 41.9), (1644753664553, 42.0), (1644753963669, 41.8), (1644754864187, 41.6), (1644755463715, 41.5), (1644755765351, 41.4), (1644756063531, 41.3), (1644756665109, 41.2), (1644756965055, 41.4), (1644757263426, 41.2), (1644757565518, 41.1), (1644757863629, 41.2), (1644758165299, 41.1), (1644758463416, 41.0), (1644759063703, 40.8), (1644759365371, 40.7), (1644759965502, 40.6), (1644759965502, 40.6), (1644761382925, 40.6)], 'sid': 'buderus.puffer.vorlauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|150'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '150'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182940, 33.9), (1644718192322, 34.1), (1644718492778, 34.0), (1644718791059, 33.9), (1644719092541, 34.1), (1644719992681, 34.0), (1644720590428, 34.1), (1644721490530, 34.2), (1644721791410, 34.3), (1644722088674, 34.4), (1644722391657, 34.6), (1644722688901, 35.0), (1644722991884, 35.2), (1644723289138, 35.6), (1644723590650, 35.7), (1644723888884, 35.9), (1644724489969, 36.1), (1644724792632, 36.2), (1644725991774, 36.0), (1644726292467, 36.1), (1644727193647, 36.3), (1644728089478, 36.2), (1644728390741, 36.3), (1644728688965, 36.2), (1644729288732, 36.1), (1644729591705, 36.3), (1644729889008, 36.2), (1644730190572, 36.4), (1644730790305, 36.5), (1644731090689, 36.4), (1644731389041, 36.5), (1644731690534, 36.6), (1644732591409, 36.7), (1644732890277, 36.6), (1644733190411, 36.7), (1644733790957, 36.8), (1644734392175, 36.9), (1644735588867, 37.1), (1644735890330, 37.0), (1644736490646, 37.1), (1644736788969, 37.2), (1644738288995, 37.3), (1644738590437, 37.2), (1644739194513, 37.3), (1644739489434, 37.2), (1644739791049, 37.1), (1644740991873, 37.3), (1644741255971, 37.3), (1644741390737, 37.3), (1644741760677, 37.4), (1644742216676, 37.3), (1644742398843, 37.3), (1644742767413, 37.4), (1644742864933, 37.32), (1644743229872, 37.4), (1644744426875, 37.3), (1644745328954, 37.4), (1644747404916, 37.4), (1644747752208, 37.2), (1644748131081, 37.1), (1644748572600, 37.2), (1644749172377, 37.1), (1644750676253, 37.2), (1644750967007, 37.1), (1644751268589, 37.0), (1644751868318, 36.9), (1644752768535, 36.8), (1644753966987, 36.7), (1644754268529, 36.6), (1644754566823, 36.7), (1644754868317, 36.5), (1644755168710, 36.6), (1644755467026, 36.5), (1644755768537, 36.4), (1644756066861, 36.3), (1644756368384, 36.2), (1644757266743, 36.1), (1644758466776, 36.0), (1644758768768, 35.9), (1644759666778, 35.8), (1644760266956, 35.7), (1644760568508, 35.5), (1644760568508, 35.5), (1644761382940, 35.5)], 'sid': 'buderus.puffer.ruecklauftemperatur|avg|12h|now|150'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'series', 'item': 'heizung.warmwasser.mischer.ausgang', 'series': 'avg', 'start': '12h', 'end': 'now', 'count': '150'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:42 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'series', 'series': [(1644718182952, 25.6), (1644718214227, 25.4), (1644718506325, 25.2), (1644718807748, 25.0), (1644719113376, 24.8), (1644719404264, 24.6), (1644719709708, 24.4), (1644720007001, 24.2), (1644720305694, 24.1), (1644720610537, 23.9), (1644720903501, 23.8), (1644721206494, 23.6), (1644721510648, 23.4), (1644721806531, 23.2), (1644722103944, 23.1), (1644722408558, 22.9), (1644722702331, 22.8), (1644723008824, 22.7), (1644723302547, 22.6), (1644723607310, 22.4), (1644723902344, 22.3), (1644724210525, 22.2), (1644724506759, 22.1), (1644724809500, 22.0), (1644725104527, 21.9), (1644725409278, 21.8), (1644725705591, 21.7), (1644726008494, 21.6), (1644726314345, 21.5), (1644726610480, 21.4), (1644727210398, 21.2), (1644727807293, 21.1), (1644728103059, 21.0), (1644728407531, 20.9), (1644729008378, 20.8), (1644729608645, 20.7), (1644730207322, 20.6), (1644730505693, 20.5), (1644730807155, 20.4), (1644731409081, 20.3), (1644732002217, 20.2), (1644732606484, 20.1), (1644732905920, 44.1), (1644733207101, 46.3), (1644733505160, 47.5), (1644733807507, 46.5), (1644734106410, 45.5), (1644734407194, 44.6), (1644734703437, 43.8), (1644735006620, 43.0), (1644735305693, 42.2), (1644735603956, 41.4), (1644735907122, 40.7), (1644736202893, 39.9), (1644736511076, 39.2), (1644736802399, 38.6), (1644737107993, 37.9), (1644737403066, 37.3), (1644737709100, 36.7), (1644738004462, 36.1), (1644738607277, 44.9), (1644738902980, 46.9), (1644739210609, 45.6), (1644739502497, 44.7), (1644739809410, 43.8), (1644740102292, 43.0), (1644740407146, 42.2), (1644740702930, 41.5), (1644741009455, 40.8), (1644741256094, 40.54), (1644741390862, 39.9), (1644741762902, 39.9), (1644741942062, 38.6), (1644742230925, 38.0), (1644742784227, 36.9), (1644742865118, 36.9), (1644743247520, 36.0), (1644743547935, 35.4), (1644743841357, 34.9), (1644744147251, 34.4), (1644744441296, 33.9), (1644744745357, 33.4), (1644745049070, 32.9), (1644745342434, 45.2), (1644745644348, 47.8), (1644745949691, 47.4), (1644746240264, 45.4), (1644746548865, 46.7), (1644746840459, 46.2), (1644747148462, 47.8), (1644747764567, 46.01), (1644748144439, 44.6), (1644748589239, 43.3), (1644748886204, 42.5), (1644749189069, 41.7), (1644749483840, 41.0), (1644749785592, 40.2), (1644750085189, 39.6), (1644750384108, 38.9), (1644750692982, 38.2), (1644750980727, 37.6), (1644751285359, 37.0), (1644751586813, 36.4), (1644751881806, 35.9), (1644752185569, 35.3), (1644752487063, 34.8), (1644752782135, 34.2), (1644753086947, 43.2), (1644753382770, 46.2), (1644753684624, 48.1), (1644753987027, 47.1), (1644754282839, 46.1), (1644754586972, 45.2), (1644754888396, 46.6), (1644755182320, 47.4), (1644755483724, 48.2), (1644755785377, 47.3), (1644756080470, 48.0), (1644756385203, 48.6), (1644756687766, 47.9), (1644756988760, 46.9), (1644757280172, 45.4), (1644757588795, 45.0), (1644757880400, 45.6), (1644758188562, 45.9), (1644758480275, 45.0), (1644758788799, 44.1), (1644759080572, 43.2), (1644759385145, 42.4), (1644759686157, 41.6), (1644759982993, 40.9), (1644760282925, 40.2), (1644760585387, 39.5), (1644760881151, 38.9), (1644760881151, 38.9), (1644761382953, 38.9)], 'sid': 'heizung.warmwasser.mischer.ausgang|avg|12h|now|150'}'   -   to ('', 63218)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:49 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server update_all_series: Updating client  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:54 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:09:54 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.waermeerzeuger.vorlauf.istwert", 57.88]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server USER added: ('', 50394) - local port: 2425  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Connected USERS: 2  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server - user: ('', 63218)   path: /    secure: True  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server - user: ('', 50394)   path: /    secure: True  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client started  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'proto', 'ver': 4, 'server': 'module.websocket', 'time': '2022-02-13T15:10:06.094081'}'   -   to ('', 50394)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'identity', 'sw': 'homebridge-smarthomeng', 'ver': '2.0'}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server smartVISU_protocol_v4: Client identified as 'homebridge-smarthomeng 2.0' in Browser ' '  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server sent '{'cmd': 'monitor', 'items': ['EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position', 'EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition']}'  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client requested to monitor item EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server json_parse: send to {'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position', 0], ['EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition', 0]]}  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Client new monitored items are ['EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position', 'EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition']  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:06 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >REPLY: '{'cmd': 'item', 'items': [['EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position', 0], ['EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition', 0]]}'   -   to ('', 50394)  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:09 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server update_all_series: Updating client  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:29 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server update_all_series: Updating client  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:49 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server update_all_series: Updating client  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:51 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:51 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung", 28.6]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-13 15:10:51 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung", 28.6]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-13 15:11:00 CET DEBUG    __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server Send update to Client for item buderus.warmwasser.istwert  --  (
2022-02-13 15:11:00 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.warmwasser.istwert", 56.48]]}'   -   to  --  (
2022-02-13 15:11:00 CET INFO     __init__          modules.websocket.websocket_server visu >MONIT: '{"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.warmwasser.istwert", 56.48]]}'   -   to  --  (
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] Homebridge v1.3.5 (DEV Bridge) is running on port 51138.
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Connected to SmartHomeNG on wss://
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"proto","ver":4}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"identity","sw":"homebridge-smarthomeng","ver":"2.0"}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Start monitoring EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position,EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: sending: {"cmd":"monitor","items":["EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position","EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition"]}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "proto", "ver": 4, "server": "module.websocket", "time": "2022-02-13T15:10:06.094081"}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "item", "items": [["EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position", 0], ["EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition", 0]]}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Received value 0 for EG.Buero.Rolladen.Position callback [Function: bound shngCurrentPositionCallback]
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] shngCurrentPositionCallback: Rolladen Büro = 0 (number)
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Transposing 0 from range 0 - 255 to 0 - 100 with inverted true = 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Received value 0 for EG.Buero.Rolladen.ZielPosition callback [Function: bound shngTargetPositionCallback]
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] shngTargetPositionCallback: Rolladen Büro = 0 (number)
[2/13/2022, 3:10:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Transposing 0 from range 0 - 255 to 0 - 100 with inverted true = 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:07 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getCurrentPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:07 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getPositionState: Rolladen Büro is currently 2
[2/13/2022, 3:10:07 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getTargetPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:07 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge Config UI X v4.42.0 is listening on :: port 8581
[2/13/2022, 3:10:09 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getCurrentPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:09 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getTargetPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:13 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getCurrentPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:13 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getPositionState: Rolladen Büro is currently 2
[2/13/2022, 3:10:13 PM] [SmartHomeNG] getTargetPosition: Rolladen Büro is currently 100
[2/13/2022, 3:10:51 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung", 28.6]]}
[2/13/2022, 3:10:51 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Ignoring unmonitored item buderus.waermeerzeuger.leistung
[2/13/2022, 3:11:00 PM] [SmartHomeNG] WS: received: {"cmd": "item", "items": [["buderus.warmwasser.istwert", 56.48]]}
[2/13/2022, 3:11:00 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Ignoring unmonitored item buderus.warmwasser.istwert
[2/13/2022, 3:11:06 PM] [SmartHomeNG] Lost connection (Code: 1006). Reconnecting in 10 seconds.
^C[2/13/2022, 3:11:10 PM] Got SIGINT, shutting down Homebridge...
msinn commented 1 year ago

Foxi352 hat auf Gitter bestätigt, dass das Problem gefixt ist.