smartinsightsfromdata / rpivotTable

A R wrapper for the great library pivottable
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My question is, How to colorize "Heatmap", creating a function with "ifelse ()"????? #114

Open EduardoRamirez8112 opened 3 years ago

EduardoRamirez8112 commented 3 years ago

How to color "Heatmap", creating a function with "if else ()" ????

hi i am new to using "rpivotTable" package in "r". For data analysis due to its similarity to a rpivotTable in Excel. I have the following drawbacks:

  1. When using the "Heatmap" render, I have come across that it assigns the coloration by scale based on a domain. ( However, I want to color minimum and maximum. I attach the image with the output of rpivtotTable and the output that I want to get from the R script.

################################################################################################ prueba1<-rpivotTable(Titanic, rows = c("Survived","Class"), cols = c("Sex"),vals = c("Class","Freq"), rendererName = "Row Heatmap", aggregatorName = "Eficiencia", locale= "en", aggregators = list(Eficiencia = htmlwidgets::JS('$.pivotUtilities.aggregators["Sum over Sum"]'), Suma = htmlwidgets::JS('$.pivotUtilities.aggregators["Sum"]')))

prueba1<-htmlwidgets::prependContent(prueba1,htmltools::tags$style(".pvtTotalLabel, .colTotal, .rowTotal, .pvtGrandTotal { display: none; }")) prueba1

Outpout from script #############################################################################################

My question focuses on how I can color the column "Female" using the following conditional: Color green if "Female> = Male" and if "Female <Male" color Female red. I have tried the following functionality but I have only managed to do it with a domain and not how I want it to be using a conditioner. What I have tried is the following:

prueba1<-rpivotTable(Titanic, rows = c("Survived","Class"), cols = c("Sex"),vals = c("Class","Freq"), rendererName = "Row Heatmap", rendererOptions = list( heatmap = list( colorScaleGenerator = htmlwidgets::JS('function(values) { return d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.015, 1]) .range(["#FF0000", "#FFFFFF", "#14B904"])}'))), aggregatorName = "Eficiencia", locale= "en", aggregators = list(Eficiencia = htmlwidgets::JS('$.pivotUtilities.aggregators["Sum over Sum"]'), Suma = htmlwidgets::JS('$.pivotUtilities.aggregators["Sum"]')))


prueba1<-htmlwidgets::prependContent(prueba1,htmltools::tags$style(".pvtTotalLabel, .colTotal, .rowTotal, .pvtGrandTotal { display: none; }")) prueba1



This is how I am trying to get the pivotTable, without any success. This result is obtained by modifying the code of the "html" file, however I want it to be inside the code of the "R" script.

desired output