smartm0use / smartino

Android Bitcoin Core Full Node
MIT License
61 stars 2 forks source link

Why Andronix? #3

Open kdojeteri opened 9 months ago

kdojeteri commented 9 months ago


sorry for raising this as an issue, there was no other contact listed. I'm wondering if you considered using the termux bitcoin packge instead of installing Androinx. (link to package)

I think that for folks who just want to do this as a one-off project, there's much fewer possible points of failure if you just use a termux package. And for folks who are getting into android-as-linux, toying around plain termux first before they decide to venture into installing a distro would be, I think, a beneficial learning experience.

smartm0use commented 9 months ago

Hello, thank you for reaching me. Have you tried this package? Does it allow users to set an external storage for the blockchain data? What about SSH and Tor connection? Thank you.