smartmicro / smartmicro_ros2_radars

ROS2 support for smartmicro radars.
Apache License 2.0
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Configuration of the sensors : the ros2 SetIp service #52

Open Farah-Rostom opened 3 weeks ago

Farah-Rostom commented 3 weeks ago

Hi all, I tried running the ros2 service call /smart_radar/set_ip_address umrr_ros2_msgs/srv/SetIp "{value_ip: 3232238400, sensor_id: 100}" and each time it results in waiting for service to become available... and nothing happens my radar is connected to a T1 MEDIACONVERTER that converts can to ethernet my ip is "the recommended ip" and when i run sudo tcpdump -i enp3s0 this is the output 14:48:29.694604 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28

is it possible for you to walk me through how to get this command to work and what exaclty should I do OS: Ubuntu 20.04 ros: foxy

smartSRA commented 2 weeks ago


There could be a few potential reasons why you might be getting the waiting for service to become available... message when trying to call the ROS2 service :

Make sure the _/smart_node is launched and running correctly. It seems that the service is not running: The most common reason is that the service **/smart_radar/set_ipaddress** is not actually running.

ROS2 environment not sourced: Make sure you've sourced your ROS2 environment in the terminal where you're running the command.

Package not built or installed: Ensure that the _umrr_ros2_msgs_ is built and installed correctly.

To troubleshoot:

Check if the service is listed when you run ros2 service list Verify that the _/smartnode providing the service is running with ros2 node list Check for any error messages in the terminal where the smart_node is running

After, you have verified and are able to send the service, you would need to adopt your param file with the new ip address that you have allocated. Rebuild and relaunch the package with the new configs for the changes to take place.

Furthermore, I also see an issue here with the tcpdump that you have provided:

The output shows that is not able to find because clearly the ip address has not been set.

A tipp I would give is to have the driver running with the default ip address of sensor which is Once you are up and running than you can go ahead and make changes.

The main problem I see here is that the driver is not being properly launched which is also what you have posted in you other issue.