smartmicro / smartmicro_ros2_radars

ROS2 support for smartmicro radars.
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Launching the umrr_ros2_driver node #53

Open Farah-Rostom opened 3 weeks ago

Farah-Rostom commented 3 weeks ago

I tried launching the driver ros node but sadly it didn't work, I will give you a quick recap of the steps I followed and my sensor setup. Setup: OS: ubuntu 20.04 ros: foxy Connection: ethernet host Ip:

First, I changed the contents of the .ymal kindly find attached the updated ymal files,taking into consideration I only have 1 radar Then i rebuild the node with the new configurations and ran ros2 launch umrr_ros2_driver which resulted in [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/farah/.ros/log/2024-08-19-15-06-17-339655-farah-514329 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1]: process started with pid [514331] [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] [INFO] [1724069177.505200306] [smart_radar]: Updating ADAPTER params. [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] [INFO] [1724069177.505329692] [smart_radar]: Updating ADAPTER params. [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] [INFO] [1724069177.505346223] [smart_radar]: Updating SENSOR params. [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] [INFO] [1724069177.505487093] [smart_radar]: Updating SENSOR params. [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] [INFO] [1724069179.529806960] [smart_radar]: Data stream services have been received! [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1] /home/farah/Application/smartmicro_radar/smartmicro_ros2_radars/umrr_ros2_driver/install/umrr_ros2_driver/lib/umrr_ros2_driver/smartmicro_radar_node_exe: symbol lookup error: /home/farah/Application/smartmicro_radar/smartmicro_ros2_radars/umrr_ros2_driver/install/umrr_ros2_driver/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN22rosidl_typesupport_cpp31get_service_type_support_handleIN14umrr_ros2_msgs3srv7SetModeEEEPK29rosidl_service_type_support_tv [ERROR] [smartmicro_radar_node_exe-1]: process has died [pid 514331, exit code 127, cmd '/home/farah/Application/smartmicro_radar/smartmicro_ros2_radars/umrr_ros2_driver/install/umrr_ros2_driver/lib/umrr_ros2_driver/smartmicro_radar_node_exe --ros-args -r __node:=smart_radar --params-file /home/farah/Application/smartmicro_radar/smartmicro_ros2_radars/umrr_ros2_driver/install/umrr_ros2_driver/share/umrr_ros2_driver/param/radar.params.template.yaml'].

Can you please guide me through running the driver using the ethernet connected radar

Thanks in advance

smartSRA commented 2 weeks ago


For most part your config seems to be fine however there is a mismatch between the versioning. You have specified model umrr9d_v1_0_3 but you have set the minor version to 1 and patch to 2. It should have been major:1, minor:0 and patch 3.

Also before launching the node, I would stress on verifying that you have established communication between your pc and the radar. Verify this using wireshark or tcpdump.