qmsd-esp32-bsp includes screen drivers, touch functionality, and UI framework, making it convenient for users to develop applications on the panlee development board.
The code in this repo doesn't work with newer versions of esp-idf any more (e.g. esp-idf-v5.3-beta2). The reason is the use of the old i2c driver in places like components-third-party/bus .
Please update.
The error I'm currently getting is
i2c: CONFLICT! driver_ng is not allowed to be used with this old driver
Sorry, due to Espressif's recent rapid update of IDF version, the latest version is only compatible with idf release/5.1. You can try to use v5.1 for development.
The code in this repo doesn't work with newer versions of esp-idf any more (e.g. esp-idf-v5.3-beta2). The reason is the use of the old i2c driver in places like components-third-party/bus .
Please update.
The error I'm currently getting is i2c: CONFLICT! driver_ng is not allowed to be used with this old driver