smarty-php / smarty

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.
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Shorthand Syntax #1005

Open SleepingForge opened 2 months ago

SleepingForge commented 2 months ago

So in v5.0.0-rc3 I could register a Plugin-Function and do something like this:

{myFunc test1 arg='arg'}

because of this fix: #953 it's not possible anymore to assign string attributes, because of this section in Compiler/Base.php:

if (!is_array($mixed)) {
            // options flag ?
            if (isset($options[trim($mixed, '\'"')])) {
                $_indexed_attr[trim($mixed, '\'"')] = true;
                // shorthand attribute ?
            } elseif (isset($this->shorttag_order[$key])) {
                $_indexed_attr[$this->shorttag_order[$key]] = $mixed;
            } else {
                // too many shorthands
                $compiler->trigger_template_error('too many shorthand attributes', null, true);
            // named attribute

Because shorttag_order wasn't empty it would just insert Attribute test1 into $_indexed_attr and I could use it as ['var1']. I found it quite useful cause the first argument could be used as some kind of identifier.

I found old issues that discuss this shorthand syntax for example: #165, #342, #568

So is this Syntax officially dead in Smarty v5.0.0? Or is there a way to kind of inject the first parameter still as a string?

Thank you!

wisskid commented 2 months ago

The var1, var2, var3 shorttag order got into the release candidates for smarty 5 by accident. They didn't exist in Smarty v4 either.

We should be able to support this in a future version, but I think you should have a way to specify the number and names of the parameters. We might be able to extend FunctionHandlerInterface for this, which would allow you to write an Extension that supports shorthand attributes.