I upgrade my smarty 4 version to smarty 5 but the structure is completely different and I don't understand anything to adapt my current code (my class which extends).
I load the file libs/Smarty.class.php and it doesn't work at all, even by modifying the folder link which I find quite particular after using composer (see my capture)
* Extend class smarty
class frontend_model_smarty extends Smarty{
* Variable statique permettant de porter l'instance unique
static protected $instance;
protected $template;
* function construct class
public function __construct($t){
* include parent var smarty
You can remove this comment, if you prefer this JSP tag style
instead of the default { and }
$this->left_delimiter = '<%';
$this->right_delimiter = '%>';
private function setPath(){
return component_core_system::basePath();
* @param $t
* @return void
* @throws SmartyException
protected function setParams($t = null){
$template = $t instanceof frontend_model_template ? $t : new frontend_model_template();
* Path -> configs
self::setPath() . "skin/" . $template->theme . '/i18n/'
* additionnal Path -> configs
* Path -> templates
* path plugins
* @var void
* Ajout du dossier additionnels des plugins smarty dans le template courant
* Path -> compile
* debugging (true/false)
$this->debugging = false;
* compile (true/false)
$this->compile_check = true;
$this->config_booleanize = false;
* Force compile
* @var void
* (true/false)
$this->force_compile = false;
* caching (true/false)
* Use sub dirs (true/false)
$this->use_sub_dirs = false;
* cache_dir -> cache
* load pre filter
$this->loadFilter('output', 'trimwhitespace');
* @var error_reporting
$this->error_reporting = error_reporting() &~E_NOTICE;
public static function getInstance($t = null){
if (!isset(self::$instance))
self::$instance = new frontend_model_smarty($t);
return self::$instance;
I upgrade my smarty 4 version to smarty 5 but the structure is completely different and I don't understand anything to adapt my current code (my class which extends). I load the file libs/Smarty.class.php and it doesn't work at all, even by modifying the folder link which I find quite particular after using composer (see my capture)