smarty-php / smarty

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.
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Migration recomendation #913

Closed orlovskyjavaprofi closed 10 months ago

orlovskyjavaprofi commented 10 months ago

I would like to know how to migrate from version 3.1.48 to newer smary template.

wisskid commented 10 months ago

Upgrading to v4 should be quite painless, check the for some minor issues.

Upgrading to v5 may require some changes. I intend to write an upgrade guide before the official release of v5.

orlovskyjavaprofi commented 10 months ago

In the project clipbucket i tried to upgrade to version 4 but i did fail at it , i aware of your template engine limitations , did you manage to overcome in newer versions ?:

Performance Overhead: Smarty can introduce some performance overhead as it compiles templates into PHP code, which can slow down the application compared to directly embedding PHP code in the templates.

Learning Curve: If you're new to Smarty, there can be a learning curve involved in understanding its syntax and functionality.

Limited Logic: Smarty deliberately limits the logic that can be placed within templates to encourage separation of concerns. While this is a feature, it can be limiting when you need more complex logic in your templates.

Complex Templates: For very complex templates with a lot of conditionals and loops, Smarty can become cumbersome to work with, and you may end up with verbose templates.

Customization: Customizing and extending Smarty can be challenging, and it may not be as flexible as other template engines in some cases.

Lack of Native Debugging Tools: Debugging Smarty templates can be more challenging compared to debugging PHP code since it doesn't offer the same level of native debugging tools.

Large Memory Footprint: The compiled template files can occupy a significant amount of memory, which can be a concern in situations with limited server resources.

Limited Built-in Functions: Smarty has a limited set of built-in functions and modifiers, which means you might need to write custom PHP plugins for complex operations.

Dependency on PHP: Smarty is specifically designed for use with PHP. If you want to switch to another programming language, you'll need to find an alternative template engine.

wisskid commented 10 months ago

@orlovskyjavaprofi did you generate that list of "limitations" with GPT?

If you have any specific issues, please open a more detailed bug report.