smash-transport / smash-hadron-sampler

Sample hadrons from vHLLE hydrodynamics output for SMASH afterburner.
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Fix bracket bug in if statement and smash link in #25

Closed RobinSattler closed 5 days ago

RobinSattler commented 5 days ago

I noticed a bracket bug in an if statement in main.cpp (line 95): if(static_cast<int>(argv[2][0]<58)){ The first closing bracket should be in front of <58 if I'm not mistaken, like this: if(static_cast<int>(argv[2][0])<58){ If I understand the code correctly, this checks if the leading digit of the random number NUM is smaller than 9, right? So it's just a check if a number is provided or why is this implemented? Do you have any insights on this, @yukarpenko? EDIT: I just noticed the bracketing was fine, but still good that we talked about it. Thanks, @yukarpenko!

And at the same time, I updated the smash link from smash-devel to the public smash version (as Renan did in #24) and hope that the merging will work this time.

yukarpenko commented 5 days ago

The block of code checking if(strcmp(argv[1],"fmax")==0) is a derelict from an old version of the sampler where I used a special mode to check for max values of distribution functions. It isn't used, and a better course of action is to delete this block altogether. Please let me know if I should delete it or you would like to.

RobinSattler commented 5 days ago

@yukarpenko, thanks for your fast response. I deleted the block checking for "fmax".