Closed LucasConstantin closed 1 month ago
This is odd. Which branch/version did you use I can successfully read SMASH IC files like this:
#!OSCAR2013Extended SMASH_IC t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge ncoll form_time xsecfac proc_id_origin proc_type_origin time_last_coll pdg_mother1 pdg_mother2 baryon_number strangeness
# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none e none fm none none none fm none none none none
# SMASH-3.1-2-g5fca8ba3d
# event 0 in 394
1.48298 -0.689019 -0.64689 0.00219842 0.938 1.17148261 -0.671010855 0.00374341379 -0.205567343 2212 1227 1 1 6.75142 0.245787 263 3 1.35506 2112 2224 1 0
1.48298 -0.286286 5.2746 -0.00281849 0.138 0.54626123 -0.130207093 0.510405378 0.0434717669 111 1129 0 1 15.1144 0.0761929 203 45 0.991348 2114 -211 0 0
1.48298 -1.15469 -2.95362 -0.00304847 0.782943 0.822126541 0.0141980838 -0.210954296 -0.134865008 223 967 0 1 6.7216 0.113003 142 45 0.815581 1114 2212 0 0
as IC reading is implemented. I used version 1.2.1
Actually I don't get the error at all. The header of the IC is exactly like any SMASH header, that's why before event processing the first 3 lines are dropped, and then the event line is processed. I would double check that the correct file is read in and not corrupted.
Closed by #292
When trying to load a SMASH_IC.oscar file with the Oscar class, it throws the error
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/c/Users/lucas/Desktop/Masterarbeit_project/old stuff/", line 76, in <module> oscar = sparkx.Oscar(path, events=event_number) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/sparkx/", line 259, in __init__ self.set_particle_list(kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/sparkx/", line 466, in set_particle_list raise ValueError( ValueError: First line of the event is not a comment line or does not contain "out"
. This is because the Header of the IC file looks like this:@NGoetz