smashingboxes / cardboard-admin-archive

Rails 4 CMS
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UI for creating pages and templates without editing cardboard.yml manually #106

Open elfassy opened 9 years ago

elfassy commented 9 years ago

It would be great not to have to write yml code by hand. We can have a tool that lets you select the page parts and fields for each, as well as hints, required, labels... etc. Ultimatly this would generate cardboard.yml automatically.

BrandonMathis commented 9 years ago

I would actually advise towards using markdown as the de-facto standard for creating pages. It is simple to pickup and can be extended easily due to it's support for raw html.

Those who do not know html could easily get started with markdown and make simple thinks like horizontal rules, header, lists, and links. The markdown textarea could even be extended to support drag-n-drop image upload.

Those who know html well and want to make a more customized static page can just paste any html they want into the markdown textarea and it should work (with some exceptions ie: <script> tags)

elfassy commented 9 years ago

Sorry for not being clear, i'm referring to selecting the fields for the CMS admin panel, not the actual content of those pages.

I agree there should be fields of type: markdown, lets open another issue for it.

elfassy commented 9 years ago

@BrandonMathis are you suggesting making a default template with only one markdown field?

BrandonMathis commented 9 years ago

Yes, something like a page_templte.erb file that is the template for all pages and then the "New Page" view on cardboard can just have a few fields for title, author, published, body, published_date.

joeyjoejoejr commented 9 years ago

I'm adding this to the milestone for 1.0.0 I think this is a pretty necessary feature. The question I have is wether this should be pulled out into a plugin.