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Atom feed for tags #122

Open DirtyF opened 7 years ago

DirtyF commented 7 years ago

In order to follow my favorite topic on Smashing Magazine As a user I can subscribe to a tag feed


On the former version contains <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Smashing Magazine &raquo; Static Generators Tag Feed" href="" />

On the next version does not embed any feed.

vitalyfriedman commented 7 years ago

Thanks Frank @DirtyF — we will fix it before the release!

biilmann commented 7 years ago

We actually generate all the feeds (ie, - but need link tags pointing to them in the header.

indysigner commented 6 years ago

This issue has been resolved in the meanwhile, thanks for reporting it!

DirtyF commented 6 years ago

@indysigner can't find a link tag in the header on 😕

indysigner commented 6 years ago

A, my apologies, was closing this issue too fast indeed. Let me see what we can do here. + CC @pukhalski

indysigner commented 5 years ago

Hi @DirtyF, sorry for the late reply! The issue has been resolved in the meanwhile!

Thank you,

— Markus

DirtyF commented 5 years ago

@indysigner Thanks for letting me know.

RSS output format is indeed active on categories when suffixing URLs with index.xml but there seems to be no link to the ouput fomat in the head of the category page yet to make it easily discoverable.

Given there is a generated RSS feed for the Design Systems Category
When I browse the category page
Then there's a direct link to the feed in the source 
indysigner commented 5 years ago

Good catch, thank you! @pukhalski, can you please have a look?