smashingmagazine / redesign

Reporting bugs and weird issues on the shiny new Smashing Magazine.
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White background version loads too late #331

Open ginsterbusch opened 6 years ago

ginsterbusch commented 6 years ago

- Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? a bug

- What is the current behavior?

When loading the front page, instead of directly loading the "white background" scheme, it initially loads the red first, and only after a bit of loading, flashes over to the white background. This is, as such, correct CSS behaviour, ie. the cascade, but certainly not what its supposed to do, or else the "white background" scheme would be rather useless or even obsolete.

- If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

- What is the expected behavior? Instant white background instead of the ugly red one first, flash of white background after a few seconds of loading.

This could easily be avoidable if the scheme information is a) loaded earlier and b) auto-overwrites the background earlier, too, so one would have the white background from the VERY START.

- Please mention your operating system version and the version of your browser Linux 64-bit; issue appears in: Pale Moon latest stable, Firefox 47 - 57, Chrome 62, Vivaldi latest stable