smashingmagazine / redesign

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Link rot on old subdomains #339

Closed lembitk closed 6 years ago

lembitk commented 6 years ago

A bit off topic (sorry), but still worth reporting IMHO… A while (years) ago you used to have content on “thematic subdomains”, e.g., etc. Now all such URLs are broken, so there's a lot of broken links and invalid bookmarks left behind, having a lot of user frustration potential on the downside, and a lot of link juice / traffic potential on the upside.

I would suggest considering redirecting those old subdomain URLs to their up-to-date counterparts. I know this can be tricky and laborious because possible interim slug changes come also into play.

When checking Google, those old coding, wp and other subdomains won't show up anymore. However, Google seems to have indexed quite many pages from a few other subdomains which might deserve a closer look (e.g. shop or jobs, among others).

Sorry again, as this might be rather low priority stuff, and it also might very well be something you've discussed internally and found to be a non-issue.

Thank you for so much great content over so many years.

indysigner commented 6 years ago

Hi @lembitk, many thanks for reporting all these broken links. All the old subdomains are working again, and a redirect for the Google Analytics article is being deployed right at this moment. Thank you! :-)